Page 374 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 374

                                                   ABOUT US
                                                                  OUR LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                    OUR PERFORMANCE
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRA TEGY   OUR PERFORMANCE
                                                                                    OUR STRATEGY
          BASEL II

          4.0   creDIT rIsK (generAl DIsclosure) (conT’D)

              credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration (cont’d)
              Table 9: credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration by geographical analysis
              The analysis of credit concentration risk of financial assets and commitments and contingencies of the Group and the Bank
              categorised by geographical distribution (based on the geographical location where the credit risk resides) are as follows:
                                                                      group                        Bank
                                                               Domestic         labuan      Domestic        labuan
              31 December  2021                                  rM’000        rM’000         rM’000        rM’000

              on Balance  sheet  exposures
              Cash  and  short-term  funds                    1,088,191        54,100      1,088,191        54,100
              Cash  and  placements  with  financial  institutions    31,184         -       31,184              -
              Financial  investment  at  fair  value
                through  profit  and  loss                      152,891       168,385       152,891       168,385
              Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                through  other  comprehensive  income         4,866,770              -      4,864,264            -
              Financial  investments  amortised  cost           107,109              -      107,109              -
              Islamic  derivative  financial  assets              5,437              -        5,437              -
              Financing  of  customers                       20,671,306              -      20,661,618           -
              Statutory  deposits  with  Bank  Negara  Malaysia    130,148           -      130,148              -
              Other  assets                                      17,603             3        17,055             3
                                                             27,070,639       222,488      27,057,897      222,488

              commitments  and contingencies
              Contingent  liabilities                           822,270              -      822,270              -
              Commitments                                     1,613,142              -      1,613,142            -
              Other  Miscellaneous  Commitment  and
                Contingent  Liabilities                          25,773              -       25,773              -
              Islamic  derivative  financial  instruments      2,830,597             -      2,830,597            -
                                                              5,291,782              -      5,291,782            -

              Total credit  exposures                        32,362,421       222,488      32,349,679      222,488
   369   370   371   372   373   374   375   376   377   378   379