Page 285 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 285


            46.  fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

                 (a)   credit risk (cont’d.)
                     To mitigate credit concentration risks, the Group and the Bank set exposure limits to individual/single customer, groups
                     of related customers, connected parties, global counterparty, industry/sector and other various funded and non-funded
                     exposures. This is monitored and enforced throughout the credit delivery process.
                     The Group and the Bank also introduced the Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques (“CRMT”) to ascertain the strength of
                     collaterals and securities pledged for financing.  The technique  outlines the criteria for the eligibility and valuation as
                     well as the monitoring  process of the  collaterals and securities pledged.
                     The Group’s and the Bank’s credit risk disclosures also cover past due and impaired financing including the approaches
                     in determining the individual and collective impairment provisions.
                     Included  in  financing  of  customers  is  a  financing  given  to  a  corporate  customer  and  identified  structured  personal
                     financing customers which are hedged by profit rate derivatives. The hedge achieved the criteria for hedge accounting
                     and the financing are carried at fair value.

                     During the year, the maximum credit exposure of the financing of customers amount to RM700.0 million (December
                     2020: RM700.0 million). The cumulative change in fair value of the financing attributable to changes in profit rate risks
                     amount to a gain of RM48,238,151 (December 2020: gain of RM91,112,801) and the change for the current period is a
                     loss of RM42,874,650 (December 2020: gain of RM43,423,333). The changes in fair value of the designated financing
                     attributable to changes in profit risk have been calculated by determining the changes in profit spread implicit in the fair
                     value of securities issued by entities with similar credit characteristics.

                     (i)   Maximum credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration
                          The following tables present the Group’s and the Bank’s maximum exposure to credit risk (without taking account
                          of any collateral held or other credit enhancements) for each class of financial assets, including derivatives with
                          positive fair values, and commitments and contingencies. Where financial assets are recorded at fair value, the
                          amounts shown represent the current credit risk exposure but not the maximum risk exposure that could arise in
                          the future as a result of changes in values. Included in commitments and contingencies are contingent liabilities
                          and credit commitments. For contingent liabilities, the maximum exposures to credit risk is the maximum amount
                          that the Group or the Bank would have to pay if the obligations for which the instruments are issued are called
                          upon. For credit commitments, the maximum exposure to credit risk is the full amount of undrawn credit granted
                          to customers and derivative financial instruments.

                          A concentration credit risk exists when a number of counterparties are engaged in similar activities and have similar
                          economic characteristics that would cause their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected by
                          changes in economic and other conditions.

                          By sector analysis
                          The presented analysis of credit risk concentration relates to financial assets, including derivatives with positive
                          fair values, and commitments and contingencies, subject to credit risk and are based on the sector in which the
                          counterparties are engaged (for non-individual counterparties) or the economic purpose of the credit exposure
                          (for individuals). The exposures to credit risk are presented without taking into account of any collateral held or
                          other credit enhancements.
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