Page 282 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 282

280      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          45.  cOMMITMeNTs AND cONTINGeNcIes

              In the normal course of business, the Group and the Bank make various commitments and incur certain contingent liabilities
              with legal recourse to its customers. No material losses are anticipated as a result of these transactions.

              Risk weighted exposures of the Group and the Bank are as follows:
                                                                          Group  and  Bank
                                                               2021                              2020
                                                               credit      Total  risk            credit      Total  risk
              The commitments and                 Principal     equivalent      weighted       Principal     equivalent      weighted
                contingencies constitute           amount       amount       amount       amount       amount       amount
                the  following:                    rM’000       rM’000       rM’000       rM’000       rM’000       rM’000

              contingent  liabilities
              Direct  credit  substitutes           292,802       292,802       268,848     298,114     298,114     277,009
              Trade-related  contingencies           41,953       8,391       712       29,755       5,951       208
              Transaction related contingencies        487,515       243,758       233,215     403,511       201,755       187,023

              Credit  extension  commitment:
                -  Maturity  within  one  (1)  year       635,148       127,029       125,609       722,818       144,564       137,659
                -  Maturity  exceeding  one  (1)  year       977,994       488,997       414,004       929,662       464,831       427,279
              Other  miscellaneous  commitments  &
                contingencies                        25,773        14         11       7,102           -          -
              Islamic  derivative  financial
              Foreign  exchange  related  contracts       1,630,597       25,443       13,995      3,326,522       89,181       40,093
              Profit  rate  related  contract       1,200,000       47,000       9,400      1,200,000       59,000       11,800

                                                 5,291,782      1,233,434      1,065,794        6,917,484      1,263,396         1,081,071
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