Page 284 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 284

282      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          46.  fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

              Risk governance (cont’d.)
              There are other risk committees set up at the Management level to oversee specific risk areas and control function of which
              the following are the details:

               committee                                      Objective
               Asset & Liability committee (“ALcO”)           To ensure all strategies conform to the Bank’s risk appetite and
                                                              levels of exposure as determined by BRMC. These include areas
                                                              of capital management, funding and liquidity management and
                                                              market risk.
               credit committee (“cc”)                        To manage the direction of the  Bank’s large financing exposure
                                                              (business and consumer). These include authority to decide on
                                                              new  and/or  additional  exposures  and  review  the  direction  of
                                                              existing exposure.

               Investment committee (“Ic”)                    To  manage  the  Bank’s  investments  and  decides  on  new  and/
                                                              or additional increases of existing investment securities and/or
                                                              other Treasury investment-related activities.

               Operational Risk Management committee          To  ensure  effective  implementation  of  Operational  Risk
               (“ORMc”)                                       Management Framework.

              To  carry  out  the  day-to-day  risk  management  functions,  a  dedicated  Risk  Management  Department  (“RMD”)  that  is
              independent of profit and volume target, exists to support the above committees.
              (a)   credit risk

                   Credit risk is defined as the potential loss to the Group and the Bank as a result of defaults in payment by counter parties
                   via financing and investment activities. The Group and the Bank comprehend that credit risk is inherent in its credit
                   products activities such as credit financing facilities activities (funded/non-funded facilities); treasury activities (including
                   inter-bank money market, money and capital trading, foreign exchange); and investment banking activities (including
                   underwriting of corporate sukuk issuance).
                   The Group’s and the Bank’s RMD and Senior Management via ERMC implement and execute the strategies and policies
                   in managing credit risk to ensure that the Bank’s exposure to credit are always kept within the Group’s and the Bank’s risk
                   appetite parameters, and the Group and the Bank to be able to identify its risk tolerance levels. The administration of
                   credit risk is governed by a full set of credit-related policies such as Credit Risk Policy (“CRP”), and Guidelines to Credit
                   Risk Policies (“GCRP”), product manuals and standard operating procedures.
                   Credit exposures are controlled via a thorough credit assessment process which include,  among others, assessing the
                   adequacy of the identified source of payments and/or income generation from the customer, as well as determining the
                   appropriate structure for financing.
                   As a supporting tool for the assessment, the Group and the Bank adopt credit risk rating (internal/external) mechanisms.
                   The internal risk rating/grading mechanism is consistent with the nature, size and complexity of the Group’s and the
                   Bank’s activities. It is also in compliance with the regulatory authority’s requirements. Where applicable, the external
                   rating  assessment  will  be  applied.  This  is    provided  by  more  than  one  of  the  selected  reputable  External  Credit
                   Assessment Institutions (“ECAI”).
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