Page 288 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 288

286      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

                                  Total    RM’000    1,142,291     31,184     321,276     4,864,264     107,109     5,437     20,661,618     130,148     17,058     27,280,385     822,270     1,613,142     25,773     2,830,597     5,291,782     32,572,167

                                  Others     RM’000     -     -     -     405,593     -     -     672,311     -     17,058     1,094,962     92,810     503,798     134     -     596,742     1,691,704

                                  household     RM’000     -     -     -     -     -     -     13,890,033     -     -     13,890,033     5,518     335,323     1,357     -     342,198     14,232,231

                               Transport,   storage and    communication     RM’000     -     -     -     -     -     -     66,666     -     -     66,666     11,957     15,070     855     -     27,882     94,548

                   Maximum credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration (cont’d.)
                               construction     and     real estate     RM’000     -     -     -     5,118     -     -     1,698,795     -     -     1,703,913     374,182     149,305     21,518     -     545,005     2,248,918

           fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

                           Agriculture,    manufacturing,    wholesale,     retail and    restaurant     RM’000     -     -     -     53,080     107,109     -     1,980,056     -     -     2,140,245     134,003     326,423     1,669     779,081     1,241,176     3,381,421

                          finance,    takaful    and     business     services     RM’000     1,142,291     31,184     168,385     46,046     -     5,437     1,361,404     -     -     2,754,747     165,515     265,013     240     2,051,516     2,482,284     5,237,031

                                 Government     and statutory     bodies     RM’000     -      -      152,891     4,354,427     -      -      992,353      130,148      -     5,629,819      38,285      18,210     -      -     56,495      5,686,314

               credit risk (cont’d.)  By sector analysis (cont’d.)                            Bank   2021   On balance sheet   exposures  Cash and    short-term funds   Cash and placements    with financial   institutions   Financial investments    at fair value   through profit   and loss   Financial investments    at fair value    through other    comprehensive    income   Financial assets    at amortised cost   Islamic derivative   financial assets   Financing of   customers   Statutory d

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