Page 367 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 367
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Governance Our Numbers Other Information
Credit risk Exposures and Credit risk Concentration
Table 8: Credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration by sector analysis
Finance, Agriculture,
takaful manufacturing,
Government and wholesale, Construction Purchase of
and statutory business retail and and transport
Group bodies services restaurant real estate vehicles household Others Total
31 December 2020 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
On balance sheet exposures
Cash and short-term funds – 2,933,172 - - - - - 2,933,172
Cash and placements with
financial institutions - 30,417 - - - - - 30,417
Financial investments at fair value
through profit and loss 148,085 165,252 - - - - - 313,337
Financial investments at fair value
through other comprehensive income 2,746,349 437,428 63,083 32,050 - - 520,055 3,798,965
Financial assets at amortised cost - - 105,544 - - - - 105,544
Islamic derivative financial assets - 47,820 - - - - - 47,820
Financing of customers 1,042,824 1,057,648 2,136,502 1,753,798 - 11,662,015 463,030 18,115,817
Statutory deposits with
Bank Negara Malaysia 95,255 - - - - - - 95,255
Other assets - - - - - - 113,170 113,170
4,032,513 4,671,737 2,305,129 1,785,848 - 11,662,015 1,096,255 25,553,497
Commitments and contingencies
Contingent liabilities 28,714 238,833 104,814 334,608 4,438 5,006 14,967 731,380
Commitments 18,083 476,073 455,773 369,035 799 164,956 167,760 1,652,479
Other Miscellaneous Commitment
and Contingent Liabilities - 711 3,762 1,130 250 1,249 - 7,102
Islamic derivative financial instruments - 4,526,523 - - - - - 4,526,523
46,797 5,242,140 564,349 704,773 5,487 171,211 182,727 6,917,484
Total credit exposures 4,079,310 9,913,877 2,869,478 2,490,621 5,487 11,833,226 1,278,982 32,470,981