Page 371 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 371
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Governance Our Numbers Other Information
Credit risk Exposures and Credit risk Concentration (cont’d)
Table 9: Credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration by geographical analysis
The analysis of credit concentration risk of financial assets and commitments and contingencies of the Group and the Bank
categorised by geographical distribution (based on the geographical location where the credit risk resides) are as follows:
Group Bank
Domestic Labuan Domestic Labuan
31 December 2020 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
On Balance Sheet Exposures
Cash and short-term funds 2,794,518 138,654 2,794,518 138,654
Cash and placements with financial institutions 30,417 - 30,417 -
Financial investment at fair value
through profit and loss 148,084 165,252 148,084 165,252
Financial investments at fair value
through other comprehensive income 3,798,965 - 3,796,498 -
Financial investments amortised cost 105,544 - 105,544 -
Islamic derivative financial assets 47,820 - 47,820 -
Financing of customers 18,115,817 - 18,110,202 -
Statutory deposits with Bank Negara Malaysia 95,255 - 95,255 -
Other assets 113,167 3 112,343 3
25,249,587 303,909 25,240,681 303,909
Commitments and contingencies
Contingent liabilities 731,381 - 731,381 -
Commitments 1,652,479 - 1,652,479 -
Other Miscellaneous Commitment and
Contingent Liabilities 7,102 - 7,102 -
Derivative financial instruments 4,526,523 - 4,526,523 -
6,917,485 - 6,917,485 -
Total credit exposures 32,167,072 303,909 32,158,166 303,909