Page 373 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 373

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            4.0   CrEDIT rISk (GENErAL DISCLOSurE) (CONT’D)
                 Credit risk Exposures of Financial Assets by Maturity Distribution

                 Table 10: Credit risk exposures of financial assets by remaining contractual maturity
                                                      up to 6      > 6 - 12       > 1 - 5       Over 5
                 Group                               months         months          years         years         Total
                 31 December 2020                     rM’000         rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                 On-Balance Sheet Exposures
                 Cash and short-term funds          2,933,172            -             -              -      2,933,172
                 Cash and placements with
                   financial institutions               30,417           -             -              -        30,417
                 Financial investments at fair value
                   through profit and loss             12,176            -        301,161             -        313,337
                 Financial investments at fair value
                   through other comprehensive
                   income                             917,316       123,899      2,607,258      150,491      3,798,964
                 Financial investments
                   amortised cost                          -             -             -        105,544        105,544
                 Islamic derivative financial assets    46,901         919             -              -        47,820
                 Financing of customers             3,132,750      1,898,467     6,046,320     7,038,277     18,115,814
                 Statutory deposits with
                   Bank Negara Malaysia                    -             -             -         95,255        95,255
                 Other assets                            646        112,027          500              -        113,173
                 Total On-Balance Sheet Exposures    7,073,378      2,135,312     8,955,239     7,389,567     25,553,496

                                                      up to 6      > 6 - 12       > 1 - 5       Over 5
                 Group                               months         months          years         years         Total
                 31 December 2019                     rM’000         rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                 On-Balance Sheet Exposures
                 Cash and short-term funds          1,011,225            -             -              -      1,011,225
                 Cash and placements with
                   financial institutions              53,925            -             -              -        53,925
                 Financial investments at fair value
                   through profit and loss             56,309       112,800       139,684             -        308,793
                 Financial investments at fair value
                   through other comprehensive
                   income                             866,862       907,482      2,528,637      301,843      4,604,824
                 Financial investments
                   amortised cost                          -             -             -        103,162        103,162
                 Islamic derivative financial assets    21,859           -             -              -        21,859
                 Financing of customers             2,878,082      1,560,184     5,155,270     6,267,702     15,861,238
                 Statutory deposits with
                   Bank Negara Malaysia                                                         568,768        568,768
                 Other assets                           1,381        39,689          600              -        41,670
                 Total On-Balance Sheet Exposures    4,889,643      2,620,155     7,824,191     7,241,475     22,575,464
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