Page 374 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 374
372 BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD About Us Our Leadership Our Strategy
Credit risk Exposures of Financial Assets by Maturity Distribution (cont’d)
Table 10: Credit risk exposures of financial assets by remaining contractual maturity (cont’d)
up to 6 > 6 - 12 > 1 - 5 Over 5
Bank months months years years Total
31 December 2020 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
On-Balance Sheet Exposures
Cash and short-term funds 2,933,172 - - - 2,933,172
Cash and placements with
financial institutions 30,417 - - - 30,417
Financial investments at fair value
through profit and loss 12,176 - 301,161 - 313,337
Financial investments at fair value
through other comprehensive
income 917,316 123,899 2,604,791 150,491 3,796,497
Financial investments amortised cost - - - 105,544 105,544
Islamic derivative financial assets 46,901 919 - - 47,820
Financing of customers 3,132,750 1,898,467 6,046,320 7,032,662 18,110,199
Statutory deposits with
Bank Negara Malaysia - - - 95,255 95,255
Other assets 649 111,200 500 - 112,349
Total On-Balance Sheet Exposures 7,073,381 2,134,485 8,952,772 7,383,952 25,544,590
up to 6 > 6 - 12 > 1 - 5 Over 5
Bank months months years years Total
31 December 2019 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
On-Balance Sheet Exposures
Cash and short-term funds 1,011,225 - - - 1,011,225
Cash and placements with
financial institutions 53,925 - - - 53,925
Investment accounts due from
designated financial instituition - - - - -
Financial investments at fair value
through profit and loss 56,309 112,800 139,684 - 308,793
Financial investments at fair value
through other comprehensive
income 866,862 907,482 2,526,212 301,843 4,602,399
Financial investments amortised cost - - - 103,162 103,162
Islamic derivative financial assets 21,859 - - - 21,859
Financing of customers 2,878,082 1,560,184 5,155,269 6,263,808 15,857,343
Statutory deposits with
Bank Negara Malaysia - - - 568,768 568,768
Other assets 1,328 38,852 600 - 40,780
Total On-Balance Sheet Exposures 4,889,590 2,619,318 7,821,765 7,237,581 22,568,254