Page 363 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 363

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            3.0   rISk MANAGEMENT

                 Risk is inherent in every aspect of our business activity and to manage this effectively, BMMB has undertaken an integrated risk
                 management approach to ensure that a broad spectrum of risk types are considered and addressed. The Bank’s risk management
                 framework and structure are built on formal governance processes that outline responsibilities for risk management activities,
                 as well as the governance and oversight of these activities.
                 An integral part of this approach is the systematic process of risk identification and measurement. Appropriate risk management
                 strategies are then developed in line with the Bank’s business plans and objectives, which include the ongoing monitoring and
                 control of the identified risk exposures. The management and control over the principal risk areas of credit, market, asset and
                 liability management, operational and Shariah are integrated to optimize and secure the Bank’s strategic and competitive
                 risk Governance
                 The Board of Directors holds the ultimate responsibility for the overall risk governance and oversight. This includes determining
                 the appropriate  risk strategies, setting  the Bank’s risk appetite  and ensuring that  the risks are monitored and controlled
                 effectively. The Board oversees the risk management of the Bank through a clearly defined governance structure, which include
                 board and management level committees with distinct roles and responsibilities.
                 Table 5: risk Governance Structure

                              Enterprise risk Management (ErM) Governance                     Audit Committee

                                                         Board of Directors

                        risk related
                      Board Committees            Board Risk
                                                 Management        Shariah Committee        Board Audit Committee
                                              Committee (BRMC)           (SC)                      (BAC)

                        risk related                Executive Risk Management            Management Committee
                   Management Committees                    (ERMC)                             (MANCO)

                                                          Risk Division                   Internal Audit Department
                      Functional Support
                                                             (RD)                                 (IAD)
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