Page 232 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 232

230    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

          8(a).  IMPAIrED FINANCING (CONT’D.)
              (iii)  Impaired financing by sector

                                                                                              Group and Bank
                                                                                        31 December    31 December
                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000

                   Agriculture                                                                     -             -
                   Manufacturing                                                              33,187         2,807
                   Construction                                                                 830          4,778
                   Household                                                                  134,833       163,559
                   Purchase of landed property:
                   - Residential
                   - Non-residential
                   Real estate                                                                19,016         18,474
                   Wholesale and retail and restaurant                                         5,675         10,379
                   Transport, storage and communication                                          583         7,833
                   Finance, takaful and business services                                        415           966
                   Purchase of transport vehicles                                                  -             -
                   Community, social and personal service                                        172           370
                                                                                              194,711       209,166

              (iv)  Impaired financing by economic purpose
                                                                                              Group and Bank
                                                                                        31 December    31 December
                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000

                   Purchase of securities                                                          -             -
                   Purchase of transport vehicles                                              1,880         2,450
                   Purchase of landed properties of which:
                   - Residential                                                               89,146       110,152
                   - Non-residential                                                          27,109         33,638
                   Purchase of fixed assets (excluding landed properties)
                   Personal use                                                               32,773         33,885
                   Construction                                                                    -             -
                   Working capital                                                            41,121         28,007
                   Other purposes                                                              2,682         1,034

                                                                                              194,711       209,166
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