Page 228 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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226    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

          7.   FINANCING OF CuSTOMErS (CONT’D.)
              (viii) Movements in the gross carrying amount of financing of customers (cont’d.)

                                                                 Stage 1       Stage 2       Stage 3         Total
                   Bank                                           rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                   At 31 December 2020
                   At 1 January 2020                           15,432,735      319,596        209,165     15,961,496
                   Total transfer within stages:
                   Transfer to Stage 1                           458,477       (436,466)      (22,011)           -
                   Transfer to Stage 2                           (484,015)     534,407        (50,392)           -
                   Transfer to Stage 3                           (32,234)      (110,213)      142,447            -
                   New financial assets originated              3,916,987        2,720             -      3,919,707
                   Financial asstes derecognised               (1,517,438)      (31,064)      (20,308)   (1,568,810)
                   Effects of modifications to contractual
                    cash flows of financial assets               (36,786)         (839)          353        (37,272)
                   Amount written - off                               -              -        (64,543)      (64,543)

                   At 31 December 2020                         17,737,726      278,141        194,711     18,210,578

                                                                 Stage 1       Stage 2       Stage 3         Total
                    Bank                                          rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                   At 31 December 2019
                   At 1 April 2019                             14,951,515      294,791        221,216     15,467,522
                   Total transfer within stages:
                   Transfer to Stage 1                           515,434       (495,996)      (19,438)           -
                   Transfer to Stage 2                           (614,554)     730,363       (115,809)           -
                   Transfer to Stage 3                           (49,676)      (174,732)      224,408            -
                   New financial assets originated              2,318,399       10,361             -      2,328,760
                   Financial asstes derecognised               (1,688,383)      (45,191)      (40,376)   (1,773,950)
                   Amount written - off                               -              -        (60,836)      (60,836)

                   At 31 December 2019                         15,432,735      319,596        209,165     15,961,496
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