Page 227 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 227

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            7.   FINANCING OF CuSTOMErS (CONT’D.)
                 (viii) Movements in the gross carrying amount of financing of customers

                                                                   Stage 1        Stage 2       Stage 3         Total
                       Group                                         rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                     At 31 December 2020
                     At 1 January 2020                            15,436,630      319,596       209,165     15,965,391
                     Total transfer within stages:
                     Transfer to Stage 1                            458,477       (436,466)      (22,011)           -
                     Transfer to Stage 2                           (484,015)      534,407        (50,392)           -
                     Transfer to Stage 3                            (32,234)      (110,213)     142,447             -
                     New financial assets originated               3,918,707        2,720             -      3,921,427
                     Financial asstes derecognised                (1,517,438)     (31,064)       (20,308)   (1,568,810)
                     Effects of modifications to
                       contractual cash flows of financial assets     (36,786)       (839)         353         (37,272)
                     Amount written - off                                -             -         (64,543)      (64,543)

                     At 31 December 2020                          17,743,341      278,141       194,711     18,216,193

                                                                   Stage 1        Stage 2       Stage 3         Total
                       Group                                         rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                     At 31 December 2019
                     At 1 April 2019                              14,949,129      294,791       221,216     15,465,136
                     Total transfer within stages:
                     Transfer to Stage 1                            515,434       (495,996)      (19,438)           -
                     Transfer to Stage 2                           (614,554)      730,363       (115,809)           -
                     Transfer to Stage 3                            (49,676)      (174,732)     224,408             -
                     New financial assets originated               2,322,294       10,361             -      2,332,655
                     Financial asstes derecognised                (1,685,997)     (45,191)       (40,376)   (1,771,564)
                     Amount written - off                                -             -         (60,836)      (60,836)

                     At 31 December 2019                          15,436,630      319,596       209,165     15,965,391
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