Page 222 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 222

220    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

          7.   FINANCING OF CuSTOMErS (CONT’D.)
              (i)   By type and Shariah concepts (cont’d.)

                                                                                        31 December    31 December
                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000

                   Uses of Qard fund:
                    Staff financing                                                              105           114
                    Other term financing                                                         237           286
                                                                                                 342           400

                                                                                        31 December    31 December
                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000

                   Staff financing                                                               105           114
                   Other term financing                                                       71,379         54,923

                                                                                              71,484         55,037

              (ii)  By type of customer

                                                                                        31 December    31 December
                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000

                   Domestic non-banking  institutions                                         736,507       510,337
                   Domestic business enterprises
                   - Small business enterprises                                               511,263       329,959
                   - Others                                                                 4,208,311     3,936,293
                   Government and statutory bodies                                            952,354       959,703
                   Individuals                                                             11,797,470      10,218,154
                   Other domestic entities                                                     3,666         3,916
                   Foreign entities                                                            6,622         7,029
                   Gross financing                                                         18,216,193     15,965,391
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