Page 397 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 397

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS

                 Credit Risk Exposures and Credit Risk Concentration (cont’d)

                 Table 9: Credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration by geographical analysis (cont’d)
                 The analysis of credit concentration risk of financial assets and commitments and contingencies of the Group and the Bank
                 categorised by geographical distribution (based on the geographical location where the credit risk resides) are as follows:
                                                                         Group                        Bank
                                                                  Domestic         Labuan       Domestic       Labuan
                 31  December  2022                                 RM’000        RM’000        RM’000         RM’000

                 On  Balance  Sheet  Exposures
                 Cash and short-term funds                        1,155,843       79,611      1,155,843        79,611
                 Cash  and  placements  with  financial  institutions   21,747         -        21,747             -
                 Financial investment at fair value through
                   profit  and  loss                               182,089             -       179,544             -
                 Financial investments at fair value through
                   other comprehensive income                     5,065,879      145,772      5,065,879       145,772
                 Financial investments amortised cost              113,589             -       113,589             -
                 Islamic  derivative  financial  assets              4,247             -         4,247             -
                 Financing of customers                          24,017,067            -     24,006,413            -
                 Statutory deposits with
                   Bank Negara Malaysia                            417,091             -       417,091             -
                 Other  financial  assets*                          17,986             3        17,541             3

                                                                 30,995,538      225,386     30,981,894       225,386

                 Commitments  and  contingencies
                 Contingent liabilities                           1,074,559            -      1,074,559            -
                 Commitments                                      1,861,344            -      1,861,344            -
                 Other Miscellaneous Commitment
                   and Contingent Liabilities                       59,310             -        59,310             -
                 Islamic  derivative  financial  instruments      1,786,430            -      1,786,430            -

                                                                  4,781,643            -      4,781,643            -
                 Total  credit  exposures                        35,777,181      225,386     35,763,537       225,386

                 *  These balances exclude balances which are not within the scope of MFRS 9, Financial Instruments.

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