Page 31 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 31

                                                                                           MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP

            Customer outreach is key in ensuring     ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
            our services  are accessible  to all
            customers,  in line with  our aspiration   Our performance  in  FY2023 celebrates  resilience,  innovation,  and commitment
            under the RISE26+ initiative to enable   to creating value for all stakeholders. This wonderful mission embraces the
            Islamic  banking  for  all.  Customer   Prophet’s concern of helping others as enshrined in the hadith:
            experience  will  continue  to  be
            enhanced through innovation and
            digital transformation. This inclusive   "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him,
            approach will help us reach a broader   nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of
                                                  his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother
            customer base and meet diverse
                                                  out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of
            financial needs of the customers.
                                                  Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the
            Focusing  on   sustainable  returns,   Day of Resurrection ."
            we aim to prioritise long-term returns
                                                  [Sahih Al-Bukhari 2442]
            for our shareholders and stakeholders,
            ensuring that our growth strategies
            align with broader economic and      Once again, I commend the dedication and teamwork exhibited by our board,
            sustainability goals. This will be   management and employees in delivering on this mission while navigating
            supported by robust risk management   challenges and achieving new milestones.
            practices and risk mitigation processes
            across all business lines to navigate   The Board and I extend our steadfast gratitude for the investments made by
            uncertainties  and  protect  our  financial   the  Malaysian  government  and  regulatory  authorities  in  growing  opportunities
            health.  To  maintain  stability  and    for  the  Islamic  finance  industry.  The  Bank’s  positive  evolution  and  growth  over
            resilient  growth,  we  aim  to  reduce  the   the years must be credited to the support and constant guidance from BNM and
            impact of over-concentration in any   our Shariah committee.
            single sector by strategically balancing
                                                 In  conclusion,  I  also  extend  my  gratitude  to  all stakeholders,  particularly  our
            our  retail  and  non-retail  portfolios.
                                                 customers, for your continued trust and support. Towards becoming the strongest
            This strategic allocation will enable
                                                 Islamic  financial  bank,  we  intend  to  strive  for  further  distinction  in  all  fronts  of
            us to optimise our portfolio performance
            and capitalise on market opportunities.
                                                 As we embrace new opportunities and challenges in the coming year, let us remain
            Furthering our digital banking strategy,
                                                 committed to excellence, transparency, and accountability. I look forward to future
            we will  seek strategic partnerships  to
                                                 milestones achieved upon the unwavering commitment and resilience of our
            enhance our digital offerings.
                                                 employees, and the trust of our stakeholders.
                                                 Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. May Allah SWT bless us
                                                 with compassion and guide us towards uplifting more Malaysians in the coming
                                                 Wabillahi taufiq walhidayah wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

                                                 To Allah we surrender

                                                 TAN SRI TAJUDDIN ATAN, FCB

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