Page 27 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 27

                                                                                           MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP



            A YEAR OF PROGRESS
            The Bank’s strong performance in
            2024  marks  the  third  consecutive  year
            of sustained progress and growth.
            We take pride in the steadfast
            investments  in  technology,  people,
            process and training that have made this
            possible. I commend the teamwork and
            unity displayed by our board members,
            management and employees as the
            key drivers elevating Bank Muamalat
            as a preferred provider of Islamic
            financial  products  and  services.  In  this
            journey,  the  Bank  has  also  fostered
            positive and sustainable impacts that
            extend beyond financial metrics.

            Alhamdulillah,  these  efforts  were
            recognised  and celebrated as  the
            Bank emerged as the Most Improved
            Islamic  Retail  Bank  in  Malaysia
            2023  at  the  Islamic  Retail  Banking
            Awards (IRBA).  Further, our  President
            &  Chief  Executive  Officer  (PCEO),     Key drivers of the year’s growth include deepening customer relationships and
            Encik Khairul Kamarudin, was honoured   expanding our customer base; managing our balance sheet and asset quality
            as IRBA’s CEO of the Year 2023. I take   to  maintain  a  consistently  low  gross  impaired  financing  ratio;  implementing
            this opportunity to congratulate him   comprehensive risk mitigation strategies to protect and enhance returns;
            and his team for their hard work and   upholding the highest standards of transparency, accountability, and integrity;
            dedication in achieving this prestigious   and demonstrating unwavering dedication and resilience in executing our
            industry recognition.                strategic vision.
                                                 We also remain inspired and resolute to create more value to all our stakeholders
                                                 by pioneering new possibilities, improving services to our customers, contributing
            Anchored   on   clear  goals  and    to socio-economic prosperity, and creating growth opportunities for the Bank
            purposefulness, the Bank resiliently   Muamalat family.
            grew financing and deposits, achieving
            a  Profit  Before  Tax  (PBT)  of  RM295.6
            million and a robust Return on Equity
            (ROE) of 9.35% for our shareholders.

            Profit before tax:                  ROE:                      VBI financing:
            RM295.6                             9.35%                     RM14,792
            million                             (10.9% in FY2022)         million

            (RM306.7 million in FY2022)                                   or 52.2% of total financing outstanding

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