Page 29 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 29

                                                                                           MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP

                                                                                       A comprehensive
                                                                                       Climate Risk
                                                                                       Framework has been
                                                                                       developed in line with
                                                                                       BNM Climate Change
                                                                                       and Principle-Based
                                                                                       Taxonomy Guidance,

                                                                                       outlining the Bank’s
                                                                                       approach to managing
                                                                                       climate risks across
                                                                                       business activities and

            Our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework has also been aligned with   CREATING GROWTH
            our sustainability goals. By integrating ERM with the Bank’s strategy and activities,    OPPORTUNITIES
            we ensured that  sustainability  considerations are  embedded into our
                                                                                     With  business  transformation  in  place,
            decision-making processes. This holistic approach allows us to proactively manage
                                                                                     a culture transformation roadmap was
            risks and seize opportunities related to sustainability.
                                                                                     developed during the year to guide
                                                                                     our team towards high performance.
                                                                                     This focuses on embedding values
            Climate change is also a growing concern. To this end, the Bank become a member    of integrity, employee development,
            of the Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3) during the year. This is a    and teamwork into every aspect
            collaborative platform dedicated to building climate resilience within the Malaysian   of our operations from strategic
            financial sector. Through JC3, we engage in collective actions aimed at mitigating   decision-making to daily interactions.
            climate risks and promoting sustainable finance.                         By   embedding  our   values,  we
                                                                                     create  a    thriving  environment
            In  addition,  a  comprehensive  Climate  Risk  Management  Framework  has  been   where our  employees can  excel and
            developed in line with Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Climate Change and     our stakeholders can trust in our
            Principle-Based Taxonomy Guidance, outlining the Bank’s approach to managing   commitment  to  excellence.  More
            climate risks across business activities and operations.  By integrating climate   than just a set of values, we intend to
            considerations  into  our  risk  management  processes,  we  enhance  our  resilience     embed this culture as a way of life
            and ability to contribute to a sustainable future by ensuring that we are     at the Bank in how we conduct
            well-equipped to navigate the challenges posed by climate change.        business,  interact  with  clients,  and
                                                                                     support our communities.

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