Page 28 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          PIONEERING NEW POSSIBILITIES                                            CONTRIBUTING TO
                                               B40 customers have                 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROSPERITY
          Our  performance  in  FY2023  was
          accentuated  by  significant  strides  in   benefitted from our         Together with digital transformation,
          digital transformation and innovative                                   Bank  Muamalat  continues  to  uphold
                                               partnership with SJKP
          product offerings. The notable highlight                                our standing as a contributor to natural
          was  the  launch  of  Malaysia’s  first  VISA   and SRP with a total    growth  and  a  leader  in  social  finance.
          B2B  platform  to  facilitate  seamless                                 Living up to our commitment of
                                               of RM1.06 billion in
          bank-to-bank cross-border transactions.                                 “Better  Lives,  Together”,  the  Bank
                                               house financing being
          This integration of Visa B2B Connect                                    mindfully ensures that actions today
          into the Bank Muamalat Business      approved.                          pave the way for a more prosperous
          Platform (iBiz) revolutionises cross-                                   and resilient future for all. Our
          border business payment, offering                                       proactive  initiatives,  partnerships,
          ministries,  agencies,  companies  and  businesses  an  and  innovative  financing  solutions  drive  our  dedication  to
          unprecedented opportunity for global expansion and success.   driving positive change and fostering inclusive economic
          It  exemplifies  the  impact  Islamic  banks  can  make  in  leading   prosperity.
          industry innovation.
                                                                Supporting the vital role that small and medium-sized
          With this move, Bank Muamalat joins an esteemed       enterprises  (SMEs) play in driving  economic growth, Bank
          group  of  financial  institutions  across  109  countries     Muamalat has forged strategic partnerships with government
          worldwide, demonstrating its commitment to support the   agencies and private sector organisations to facilitate
          government's  endeavours  to  stimulate  economic  growth,   greater access to capital for SMEs through government
          foster  international  trade,  and  promote  financial  inclusion   guaranteed schemes, empowering them to grow and
          within the country.                                   contribute to the national economy.

                                                                B40 customers were empowered through collaborative
                                                                financing  schemes,  facilitating  home  ownership  and
          In  pioneering  new  milestones  in  Islamic  finance  services,     entrepreneurship. Partnerships with Skim Jaminan Kredit
          the Bank has also made concerted efforts towards improved   Perumahan  (SJKP)  and  Skim Rumah  Pertamaku (SRP)
          service delivery and efficiency, as well as expanded customer     resulted in RM1.06 billion in house financing approvals, while
          digital  touch  points.  These  include  back-office  processes   initiatives like iTEKAD Mawaddah and iPUSH expanded
          through Robotic Process Automation; enabled digital   support  to  budding  entrepreneurs,  reflecting  our  dedication
          account opening and customer onboarding; expanded     to  inclusive  growth.  Under  the  iPUSH  programme,
          wealth management and takaful offerings to digital channels;    RM14 million funds were raised. For iTEKAD Mawaddah,
          and refreshed our Retail Internet Banking and Mobile    11 new entrepreneurs  were onboarded with RM32,044
          Banking digital platforms for improved user experience.  working capital and over RM62,000 of seed capital provided.

          In  tandem  with improved service  delivery, cybersecurity   Our commitment to sustainability was further demonstrated
          measures were launched to ensure a secure and seamless   through our Special  Electric Vehicle campaign  and other
          banking experience, alongside a more robust Enterprise Risk   Value-Based   Intermediation   (VBI)   financing   initiatives.
          Management.                                           As  of  the  year  under  review,  VBI  financing  accounted  for
                                                                RM14.79  billion,  translating  to  52.2%  of  our  total  financing
          The progress made on these fronts fuel Bank Muamalat’s     outstanding.  This  financing  supports  projects  that  align  with
          plan to introduce its own Digital Bank in the near future.     our sustainability goals, including education, environmental
          The Digital Bank will leverage on the new Digital     preservation, and healthcare. By prioritising these sectors,
          Core Banking and Digital Front End to offer Straight   we are able to drive positive social and environmental
          Through  Processing  (STP),  comprehensive  marketplace,     outcomes alongside economic growth.
          and AI-driven recommendations that can assist customers in
          making well-informed financial decisions.

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