Page 30 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 30



          During the year, we nurtured our
          employees professional growth and
          well-being by investing over RM5 million
          in extensive training and development
          opportunities which include leadership
          training, skill-building workshops, and
          career  advancement  opportunities.
          Beyond  that,  inspired  by  our  “One
          Team”  belief,  we  began  to  promote
          a collaborative work environment
          where   cross-functional  teamwork
          is  encouraged.  The  Board  and
          Management actively fostered open
          communication and knowledge-sharing
          across departments and levels. This
          collaborative spirit drove innovation
          and ensured that diverse perspectives
          were considered in decision-making
          processes, leading to more robust

          We   also  continued  to  prioritise   Significantly,  in  alignment  with  the  National  Anti-Corruption  Plan  (NACP),
          work-life  balance  through  flexible   we have launched our Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) for 2023-2025.
          working arrangements, and offered   This comprehensive plan positions the Bank as a leader in ethical practices and
          a variety  of health and wellness   robust governance by fostering a culture of integrity within the Bank. Developed
          programmes to support our employees’   in  accordance  with  the  mandatory  initiatives  prescribed  in  the  NACP,  our  OACP
          physical  and  mental  well-being.   sets forth a clear framework for addressing critical strategic issues related to
          These efforts  not  only enhance job   integrity and anti-corruption governance. This alignment ensures that our efforts
          satisfaction  but  also  ensure  our  are consistent with national standards and best practices.
          employees’ enjoy better lives.
                                              As we move forward, we remain dedicated to upholding these principles and
                                              continuously improving our governance practices to meet the evolving expectations
                                              of our stakeholders.
          In fostering the highest standards   FUTURE OUTLOOK AND STRATEGIC PRIORITIES
          of conduct in all our operations,
                                              As we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead, our focus remains on
          the Board and Management lead
                                              building  a  leading  Islamic  financial  institution  that  upholds  the  highest  standards
          by  example.  Rigorous  policies  and
                                              of integrity and transparency. The Board has outlined key strategic priorities to
          procedures have been established
                                              drive  optimal  profitability,  strategic  capital  allocation,  robust  risk  management,
          to ensure that our commitment to
                                              enhanced customer service, and a steadfast focus on governance and
          integrity  and  ethical  conduct  is
          unwavering.  In  addition,  regular
          training  sessions  on  ethics  and
                                              In order to ensure sustainable growth in an environment of increased uncertainty,
          compliance reinforce these standards,
                                              we aim to protect our assets and optimise operations while maximising
          ensuring  that  every   employee
                                              growth opportunities. Staying adaptable, continuing to invest in technology,
          understands and adheres to our code of
                                              and maintaining a focus on prudent regulation will be key factors going forward.

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