Page 35 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 35

                                                                                           MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP

            Serving Customers Better             For business clients, the launch of real-time cross-border payments through VISA
                                                 B2B  Connect  Platform  exemplified  our  commitment  to  efficient  and  effective
            As the rising cost of living was a   financial  solutions.  This  real-time  cross-border  payments  and  settlements  platform
            key concern during the year, the     simplifies  and  streamlines  cross-border  business-to-business  payments,  providing
            Bank   provided  necessary  support  swifter and more reliable transfers at a lower cost.
            through  initiatives  that  reflected  our
            commitment to societal wellbeing     In parallel with greater innovation, we invested in keeping our customers safe through
            and our adherence to Islamic values.     secure  banking  transactions  as  financial  crimes  surged  globally  during  the  year,
            We    extended  rescheduling  and    with online scams in Malaysia reportedly causing RM1.2 billion in losses. Our proactive
            restructuring  (R&R)  assistance  to  response was to expedite more robust security measures, in line with Bank Negara
            offer  customers  relief  from  financial   Malaysia’s directives, including moving from SMS one-time-password (OTP)
            challenges and help them regain      to more secure forms of authentication for online transactions and account
            control of their finances.           changes. This was followed in June 2023 with an i-MSecure feature to approve
                                                 and reject transactions directly from smartphones securely. A kill switch was also
            To incentivise deposits, a Sijil Simpanan
                                                 introduced, enabling users to block access to their online banking accounts in case
            Islamik  (SSi)  campaign  with  substantial
                                                 of suspicious activities, along with a cooling-off period for new enrolments of
            prizes up to RM1 million, was introduced.
                                                 online banking services and secured devices. This commitment to providing a
                                                 secure and seamless banking experience continues to be a core priority.
            These proactive actions taken helped
            the Bank  sustain growth within the   Empowering Our People
            increasingly competitive environment
            as the  Bank gained a substantial     Central to our success are our employees. We are committed to building an
            deposit  increase of  RM6.5 billion  in   inclusive and sustainable organisation where our colleagues can perform the best
            FY2023.                              that they can. Within the Bank, we remain committed to creating a workplace that
                                                 values and supports employees from all backgrounds while providing a balance
            Addressing the challenges brought by
                                                 between work, health, spiritual, and development needs. Diversity, creativity,
            rapid digitalisation, we expanded our
                                                 and inclusion are deemed essential in cultivating a culture of innovation and
            distribution  channels  and  partners  to
            transform the way we serve and interact
            with our customers. Digitisation was   Towards greater employee engagement and satisfaction, an Employee Engagement
            accelerated  to  increase  efficiency  and   Survey  was  conducted  among  90%  of  employees  in  December  2023.  Significant
            responsiveness, provide our customers   investments have also been made towards establishing comprehensive career
            with better banking solutions, and   development frameworks and apprenticeship programmes to nurture a dynamic
            ensure that customers can interact     talent pool. Training was prioritised, with an average of 52 training hours per staff
            with us how and when they want.      member in FY2023, surpassing the targeted 40 hours.

            At the forefront of our operations,    On this front, Bank Muamalat was recognised at the 6th TALENTBANK Graduates’
            we made significant strides in enhancing   Choice Award (GCA) 2023 for an unwavering commitment to attracting and
            internet banking and mobile banking   retaining top graduate talent.
            services. These include the rollout of
            DuitNow QR for retail payments at all
            POS Malaysia outlets and improvements
            to the Mobile Application Platform
            (MAP), driving a 49.87% growth in
            MAP applications in FY2023.

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