Page 37 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 37

                                                                                           MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP

            BANK BY 2026

            Delivering sustainable returns through
            diligent resource management, efficient
            management of balance sheet and
            operational excellence has charted
            new milestones on our RISE26+
            journey. Moving forward, our strategic
            focus  areas  for  upcoming  growth
            emphasise   sustainable   profitability,
                                                 Our digital banking strategy includes launching digital products for the retail
            operational  excellence,  customer
                                                 segment, executing strategic digital marketing campaigns, and developing unique
            centricity,  and  digital  innovation.
                                                 selling  propositions  to  differentiate  ourselves  from  competitors.  We  will  also  seek
            By optimising capital allocation and
                                                 strategic partnerships to enhance our digital offerings.
            enhancing our digital offerings, we
            aim  to  maintain  double-digit  revenue
                                                 By pursuing these strategic initiatives, Bank Muamalat is poised to achieve its
            growth   and   improve   customer
                                                 goal of becoming the top Islamic bank in Malaysia, delivering exceptional value
                                                 to all stakeholders and realising our mission of 'Better Lives, Together'.
            Operationally,  the  focus  will  be
            on growing high-yield assets and     IN HUMBLE GRATITUDE
            accelerating core fee income by
                                                 As we move forward, we are committed to maintaining our growth trajectory
            expanding    outreach,  optimising
                                                 and addressing new challenges. Our focus remains on delivering sustainable value
            funding cost and launching attractive
                                                 to  all  stakeholders,  driven  by  our  Islamic  principles  and  the  Maqasid  Shariah.
            promotional  campaigns.   Effective
                                                 We will continue to innovate, leveraging technology and strategic partnerships
            management  of  Risk  Weighted  Assets
                                                 to enhance our offerings and expand our reach.
            (RWA)  will  drive  financial  stability,
            regulatory compliance, and operational
                                                 We are grateful for the trust and support of our stakeholders, and we look forward
            efficiency.  Rigorous  capital  planning,
                                                 to achieving greater heights together.
            close monitoring and stress testing
            will be conducted to anticipate future   I extend my deepest gratitude to our Board of Directors, whose guidance has
            capital needs under various economic   been instrumental in our success. I also thank our management team and staff
            scenarios.                           for their unwavering dedication and hard work. To our customers, shareholders,
                                                 and partners, your continued support and trust are invaluable to us. Placing our trust
            We aim to ensure a sustainable net
                                                 in the Almighty, we are inspired by the Quran:
            profit  margin  by  investing  in  digital
            technologies     that     enhance
            operational  efficiency  and  improve
            the customer experience. Towards      "And rely upon Allah and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.”
            uplifting customer experiences, we
                                                  (Al-Ahzab: 3)
            want  to  be  a  provider  of  seamless,
            user-friendly experiences across all
                                                 Insya-Allah, we will continue to strive for excellence, uphold our Islamic values, and
            devices with robust functionalities
                                                 work towards a brighter future for all.
            and real-time transactions. Proactive
            customer support will be further     With sincere gratitude,
            enhanced      through     multiple
            channels,  including  chatbots,  live
            chat,  phone,  and  social  media,
                                                 KHAIRUL KAMARUDIN
            and expand our outreach through
                                                 President & Chief Executive Officer
            omni-channel touchpoints.

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