Page 39 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 39

                                                                                           MESSAGE FROM LEADERSHIP

            THE YEAR IN FOCUS                                      Towards this end, SC helped the Bank progress on its
                                                                   VBI journey during the year by actively advising the Bank
                                                                   on  introducing  products  based  on  financial  support  and
              Allah SWT says: “Help one another in acts of piety     inclusion, aiming to generate sustainable economic impact,
              and righteousness. And do not assist each other in   especially for the B40 and asnaf (Zakat-eligible) communities.
              acts of sinfulness and transgression. Be aware of    Notably, we initiated the development of social welfare
              Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment.”       products like iTEKAD Mahabbah, offered to asnaf (zakat
                                                                   beneficiaries) and B40 through the i-PUSH scheme.
              (Surah al-Maidah: 2)

                                                                   FUTURE OBJECTIVES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
            In FY2023, as part of the RISE26+ strategy to develop
            Bank  Muamalat  as  an  Islamic  Bank  for  All,  the  SC played  a
            vital role in advising the Bank on the development of new   Rasulullah SAW says: “I am amazed by the believer.
            products,  services,  and initiatives  to  diversify  our offerings.     If he is granted goodness, he praises Allah and is
            Towards this end, the SC actively supported the development   grateful.  If  he  is  afflicted  with  a  calamity,  he  praises
            of products applying Shariah contracts other than Tawarruq     Allah and is patient. The believer is rewarded for
            to reduce contract concentration. This encompassed      every matter, even lifting a morsel of food to his
            contributing ideas and solutions to address the challenges   wife’s mouth.”
            faced; guiding the Bank in researching and exploring new
                                                                    (Musnad Ahmad 1495)
            innovative products and services that meet market demand; and
            encouraging digitalisation while ensuring Shariah compliance.
                                                                   Looking ahead, the SC aims to guide the Bank in exploring
            Further, the SC has approved various products, services, and
                                                                   new hybrid Shariah contracts, and continue to help the
            initiatives proposed by the Bank to cater to different societal
                                                                   development of  products and services that benefit all customer
            needs. Notable endorsements granted during the year
                                                                   ranges, especially asnaf (zakat beneficiaries) and B40.
            include the RM5.0 billion Program Sukuk Wakalah (Project
            Snow),  Cash-i  Muamalat  for  Employees  Provident  Fund   I take this opportunity to thank the SC for its steadfast
            (EPF) members under the "Fasiliti Sokongan Akaun 2 (FSA   dedication  in  fulfilling  its  duty.  The  SC's  power  is  rooted  in
            2)" programme, Multi-Currency Trade Financing (MCTF),   the honesty, expertise, and commitment of our members.
            Collateralised Commodity Murabahah, Term Investment    I am honored to lead a team of dedicated professionals
            Account, and the new VISA B2B payment gateway service.  who strive to advance Shariah governance and drive
                                                                   innovation for everyone's benefit.
            Beyond this, Shariah governance, transparency, and
            integrity  continued  to  be  fortified  with  the  SC  ensuring  that     I  would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to  express  the  SC’s
            decision-making  processes  comply  with  governance   gratitude to our former chairman Tn. Hj. Azizi Che Seman
            standards and that honesty, ethics, and consistency are     for his 18 years of service with Bank Muamalat, and his
            applied to every SC decision.                          excellent contribution and commitment up until the end
                                                                   of his term of service on 31 March 2023. I would also like to
            ADVANCING THE BANK'S VALUE-DRIVEN JOURNEY              welcome Dr. Badruddin Hj. Ibrahim and En. Khairun Najmi
                                                                   Saripudin who joined the SC on 15 January 2023.

              Rasulullah  SAW  says:  “Protect  yourself  from     Insya-Allah, may our lofty aspirations and constructive efforts
                                                                   create a path towards a better future for all stakeholders.
              hell-fire  even  by  giving  a  piece  of  date  as  charity.
              If one cannot find it, then with a kind word.”
              (Sahih Bukhari 6540 and Sahih Muslim 1016)
                                                                   DR. YUSRI MOHAMAD
                                                                   Chairman, Shariah Committee
            As  we  continue  to  enhance  the  impact  of  Islamic  finance,
            we drive the development of ethical products, compliant
            with  Maqasid   Shariah,  that  emphasise  sustainable,
            environmentally  and  socially  responsible  finance  principles.
            They  promote  justice  and  fairness  through  profit-sharing
            principles in mudarabah and musharakah-based products.

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