Page 36 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 36



                                                                                  Highlights for the year include the
                                                                                  Bank’s  Waqf  commitment,   which
                                                                                  reached RM37.1 million in collections,
                                                                                  with RM20.3 million disbursed to
                                                                                  healthcare, education, and investment
                                                                                  sectors. Through the charity arm,
                                                                                  Tabung Mawaddah, the Bank mobilised
                                                                                  funds for social, educational, and
                                                                                  health-related  matters,  disbursing
                                                                                  a total of RM2.2 million across more
                                                                                  than 1,400  projects in  2023. During
                                                                                  Ramadan, the Bank continued to
                                                                                  contribute to annual CSR programmes,
                                                                                  distributing over RM400,000 in aid to
                                                                                  orphans,  asnaf,  tahfiz  students,  and
                                                                                  welfare homes.

          Driving Nation-Building Goals                                           More  significantly,  the  development  of
                                                                                  Islamic  social  finance  instruments  for
          We are committed to Malaysia’s climate change goals, aligning with the National
                                                                                  small businesses, namely the Bank’s
          Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) 2023 and Bank Negara Malaysia’s Climate
                                                                                  iPUSH   and  iTEKAD   programmes,
          Change  and  Principle  Based  Taxonomy  (CCPT)  guidelines.  During  the year,
                                                                                  provide     commercial     growth
          Bank Muamalat actively participated in the Joint Committee on Climate Change
                                                                                  opportunities with cascading impacts
          (JC3) and developed a Climate Risk Management Framework in line with the Climate
                                                                                  on low-income communities. In our
          Risk Management and Scenario Analysis Policy requirements.
                                                                                  journey towards becoming Malaysia’s
          We have also been proactive in meeting regulatory requirements to advance    leading Islamic Bank, these specially
          a more sustainable future for the nation. Actions taken include integrating     developed products that serve the
          value-based intermediation and sustainability elements into our credit scorecard    underserved towards holistic societal
          and business strategy. In contributing to the industry’s value based intermediation   growth will continue to be the Bank’s
          (VBI)  and  sustainability  journey,  the  Bank’s  VBI  financing  asset  over  total  financing   core focus.
          grew  to  52.2%  in  FY2023.  This  comprised  financing  assets  categorised  for  the
          purpose  of  sustainable  financing  that  provides  positive  economic,  environment
          and social impacts.                                                       During the year,
          Leveraging synergies to amplify our commitments, we further collaborated with   Bank Muamalat
          Malakoff Corp Berhad to support sustainable energy solutions in Malaysia through   actively participated
          financing  programmes  for  renewable  energy  (RE),  including  solar  photovoltaic
          systems,  battery energy storage  systems, and  electric vehicle  chargers.     in the JC3 and
          This collaboration aligns with Budget 2024’s focus on boosting the local electric   developed a Climate
          vehicle (EV) industry.
                                                                                    Risk Management
          Contributing to the Community                                             Framework in line

          When it comes to socio-impact, Bank Muamalat has always been a community     with the Climate Risk
          bank at heart. Since the Bank’s establishment, we have actively engaged in   Management and
          various collaborations with state religious councils and government agencies,
          executing  numerous  corporate  social  responsibility  (CSR)  programmes  that  reflect   Scenario Analysis Policy
          our commitment to social justice, environmental stewardship, and community   requirements.
          development. These initiatives align with our Maqasid Shariah principles, ensuring we
          uphold our ethical and moral obligations.

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