Page 156 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          i.   Board Effectiveness Evaluation

              On  an  annual  basis,  Board  Effectiveness  Evaluations  (BEE)  are  carried  out  to  identify  areas  where  efficiency  can  be
              improved,  strengths  can  be  maximised,  and  aspects  that  require  improvement.  If  necessary,  professional  consultants
              are  hired  to  conduct  the  assessment.  The  BNRC  Chairman  oversees  the  overall  evaluation  process,  while  the  BNRC
              reviews and analyses the responses. The assessment results are then presented to the Board.
              Following  the  recommendation  in  the  BNM  CG,  the  Board  conducted  the  Board  Effectiveness  Evaluation  (BEE)
              for the year 2023. In compliance with the BNM PD on Shariah Governance, the 2023 BEE also assessed the performance
              of the Shariah Committee and its members.
              The categories of assessment embedded in the 2023 BEE questionnaires were:

              •  Board  Assessment  to  assess  amongst  other  the  Board’s  structure,  size,  composition  (mix  of  skills,  experience  and
                competency),  quality  of  information,  deliberation  and  decision  making  including  how  Directors  challenge  matters
              •  Individual  Directors’  Assessment  (including  Independent  Directors)  to  assess  amongst  others  the  respective  Directors’
                ability  to  critically  challenge  and  ask  the  right  questions,  character  and  integrity  in  dealing  with  potential  conflict  of
                interest  situations,  commitment  to  serve  the  Bank  with  due  diligence  and  integrity,  critical  and  vigilant  in  offering
                alternative  points  of  view,  fit  and  properness  and  independence  of  the  Independent  Directors  including  level  of
                independence in exercising his/her judgment and ability to act in the best interest of the Bank; and
              •  Board  Skill  Set  Assessment  to  assess  amongst  others  the  Board’s  leadership  and  strategy,  legal  and  regulatory
                requirements, banking and finance, corporate governance, Shariah governance, risk management and internal controls,
                accounting and financial reporting and operational management.
              •  Board Committee Effectiveness Assessment (including Shariah Committee) to assess amongst others, the Committees’
                Structure  (size,  composition  and  member  classification),  quality  of  information,  deliberation  and  decision  making
                including  how  members  challenge  matters  discussed,  accountability  and  responsibilities  and  effectiveness  of
                the Board Committee including its terms of reference, processes and reporting line.

              •  Individual Board Committee Members’ Assessment (including Shariah Committee) to assess amongst others the Committees’
                dynamics, participation and Fit and Proper criteria.

          ii.   Board Meetings and Access to Information
              The  agenda  of  Board  meetings  is  drawn  up  upon  consultation  between  the  Chairman,  PCEO  and  Company  Secretary.
              The  agenda  and  Board  papers  are  circulated  to  Board  Members  via  meeting  software  which  allows  the  Directors  to
              access, read and review Board/Committee documents securely.
              The  Board  meets  at  least  10  meetings  in  a  year  with  additional  meetings  convened  as  and  when  urgent  issues
              and/or  important  decisions  are  required  to  be  made  between  the  scheduled  meetings.  Scheduled  Board  meetings
              are structured with certain pre-set agendas.
              Directors participated in Board and Committee meetings in person, or via virtual platform, Teams. Directors utilised digital
              means  to  participate  in  meetings  that  were  effectively  held.    Minutes  of  the  meetings,  together  with  a  summary  of  the
              action items were circulated to all members of the Board prior to meetings.

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