Page 151 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 151


                 The  Directors  have  demonstrated  exceptional  commitment  and  dedication  in  fulfilling  their  duties  and
                 responsibilities,  as  evidenced  by  their  attendance  record  that  surpasses  the  prescribed  criteria  outlined
                 in  the  Charter.  Moreover,  the  Directors  have  fully  complied  with  the  attendance  requirements  of  at  least
                 75  per  cent,  as  per  the  BNM  CG.  The  table  below  provides  the  attendance  record  of  each  Director
                 at the Board and Committee meetings held in 2023:

                         Name of Directors          Board     BAC      BRCC      BNRC      BVC       BTC      BCC

                  Tan Sri Tajuddin Atan, FCB        11/11     N/A       N/A       N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A
                  Johari Abdul Muid                 11/11     11/11    15/15      9/9      11/11     4/4       N/A
                  Tan Sri Che Khalib Mohamad Noh     9/11     N/A       N/A       8/9      11/11     N/A       N/A
                  Dato' Ibrahim Taib                11/11     N/A      15/15      N/A      N/A       4/4       1/1
                  Ainol Roznain Yaacob              11/11     10/11     N/A       9/9      N/A       N/A       N/A
                  Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad           11/11     11/11    15/15      N/A      11/11     N/A       1/1
                  Mohd Razlan Mohamed               11/11     N/A      14/15      9/9      11/11     N/A       N/A
                  Roshidah Abdullah                  9/11     10/11     N/A       9/9      N/A       4/4       1/1

            ii.   Re-election of Directors
                 Clause 76 of Bank Muamalat’s Constitution provides among others, that one-third of the Directors for the time being or,
                 if  their  number  is  not  three  or  a  multiple  of  three,  then  the  number  nearest  to  one-third,  shall  retire  from  office.
                 The Directors to retire shall be the Directors  who shall have been longest  in  Office.  A retiring Director  shall  be  eligible
                 for re-election and shall act as a Director throughout the meeting at which he/she retires.

                 Md  Khairuddin  Hj  Arshad,  Johari  Abdul  Muid  and  Mohd  Razlan  Mohamed  are  retiring  by  rotation  in  accordance  with
                 Clause 76 of Bank Muamalat’s Constitution and been eligible, and have offered themselves for re-election.

                 The  retiring  Directors  mentioned  above  have  satisfied  the  performance  standards  of  an  efficient  and  high-performing
                 Board, as assessed by the Board Effectiveness Evaluation, which encompasses Self and Peer Assessment.
                 After assessing their professionalism, extensive experience, significant relationships, expertise, dedication, and individual
                 contributions in carrying out their respective responsibilities, the Board and BNRC have determined that all Directors standing
                 for re-election at the upcoming AGM have met the Board’s expectations by consistently fulfilling their duties with diligence as
                 Directors of the Bank.
                 Based on the BNRC’s evaluation, the Board has decided to endorse and propose the re-election of each retiring Director
                 at the forthcoming AGM.

            iii.   Tenure of Independent Directors
                 The maximum tenure for an Independent Director is nine years, which can either be served consecutively or cumulatively
                 with  intervals.  The  tenure  will  conclude  either  upon  the  expiration  of  the  current  term  as  authorised  by  BNM  or
                 the later date of the two options.
                 As of the date of this report, none of the INEDs has served the Board for more than nine years.

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