Page 152 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          i.   Separation of Chairman and PCEO

              The  roles  of  the  Chairman  and  PCEO  are  distinctly  separate,  and  the  Chairman  has  not  previously  held  the  position  of
              PCEO  in  Bank  Muamalat.  The  Chairman’s  main  responsibility  is  to  provide  significant  guidance  to  the  Board  to  ensure
              that  the  Board  carries  out  its  duties  effectively.  On  the  other  hand,  the  PCEO  is  primarily  accountable  for  managing
              day-to-day business operations in line with the Board’s strategy and key performance indicators.
              The specific duties and responsibilities of the Chairman and PCEO are outlined in the Charter.

              The  Management  Committee  supports  the  PCEO  in  managing  the  Group’s  operations  by  establishing  performance
              targets,  executing  the  Group’s  strategy,  overseeing  critical  objectives  and  commercial  plans  to  assist  in  achieving
              the Group’s targets, and evaluating new business initiatives and opportunities.

          ii.   Board Committees
              There  are  five  Board  Committees  established  by  the  Board;  the  Board  Audit  Committee,  Board  Risk  &  Compliance
              Committee  (formerly  known  as  Board  Risk  Management  Committee),  Board  Nomination  &  Remuneration  Committee,
              Board  Veto  Committee  and  Board  Technology  Committee  (newly  formed  on  28  April  2023).  These  Committees  play
              a  significant  role  in  reviewing  matters  within  their  respective  Terms  of  Reference  and  support  the  Board’s  discharge
              of  its  duties  and  responsibilities,  and  in  keeping  the  Board  efficient.  Each  of  the  Committees  has  specific  Terms  of
              Reference, scope and authority to review matters tabled before the Committee prior to decision-making by the Board as a
              whole. Membership of these Committees is reviewed as and when required, with specific emphasis on updates in governance
              requirements and efficiency of the Committees.
              Each Committee comprises a minimum of three (3) Directors, with a majority of Independent Directors, and Directors possessing
              the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the corresponding Board Committees.
              Save for the Board Compliance Committee which was disbanded on 1 March 2023, all Committees are chaired by Independent
              Directors. The Chairman of the Board does not chair any of the Board Committees.

              In  light  of  the  progress  achieved  and  measures  implemented  of  Bank  Muamalat’s  Anti-Money  Laundering  and  Counter
              Financing  of  Terrorism  (AML/CFT)  measures,  the  Board  has  resolved  to  dissolve  the  Board  Compliance  Committee.
              In  its  place,  the  Board  Risk  Management  Committee  will  assume  responsibility  for  overseeing  the  Bank’s  compliance
              management, ensuring regulatory compliance risk, and overseeing AML/CFT measures.

              Bank  Muamalat  has  established  a  Board  Technology  Committee  to  oversee  the  implementation  of  its  IT  Strategic
              Plan  and  RISE26+  transformation,  in  order  to  accelerate  growth  and  unlock  value  through  innovative  digital  offerings
              and modernised digital operations and platform. This move is in line with Bank Muamalat’s mission to embark on digital
              Source of Authority/Roles and Responsibilities specified in:
              •  Board Charter

              •  Constitution
              •  Terms of Reference of each Board Committee

              •  Companies Act 2016
              •  IFSA 2013

              •  BNM Policy Documents and other applicable regulatory requirements

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