Page 155 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 155


                                                    Board Veto Committee (BVC)

                                              •  Increase in the margin of financing/advance
                                              •  Increase in tenure/duration for term financing
                                              •  Changes in the purpose of financing
                                              •  Upward changes in the limit
                                          3.   Ratify approvals of the relevant approving authorities on connected party financing.
                                          4.   Review and concur/recommend the relevant financing reviews.

                                                  Board Technology Committee (BTC)
             Members                      Name of members
                                          Dato’ Ibrahim Taib (Chairman)
                                          Johari Abdul Muid
                                          Puan Roshidah Abdullah
             Roles and responsibilities   1   To  review  and  recommend  to  the  Board,  Management’s  strategies,  policies  and
                                              framework  related  to  IT  and  digitalisation  activities  including  e-banking  services
                                              and Cybersecurity-related matters.
                                          2.   To  review  and  recommend  to  the  Board,  the  IT  Security  blueprint  in  line  with  the
                                              security strategies of the Bank.
                                          3.   To  review  any  proposals  relating  to  IT  and  digitalisation  initiatives  and  e-banking
                                              products and services before recommending them to the Board.
                                          4.   To  oversee  Management’s  implementation  of  IT  and  digitalisation  initiatives/projects
                                              undertaken by the Bank to ensure it is in line with the Bank’s strategies and policies.
                                          5.   To review and recommend to the Board any appointment of such person, consultants
                                              or advisors to undertake any specific projects or assignments in relation to the Bank’s
                                              IT or digitalisation initiatives/projects.
                                          6.   To  review  and  ensure  the  adequacy  of  cyber  security  investments  and  that  its
                                              associated roadmap for implementation is acceptable.
                                          7.   To  undertake  such  other  duties  and  responsibilities  on  other  Technology  and
                                              Cybersecurity-related matters as determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank.
            iii.   Company Secretary

                 During  Board  meetings,  the  Company  Secretary  is  present  and  responsible  for  documenting  key  deliberations  and
                 decisions  made.  Additionally,  the  Company  Secretary  serves  as  a  liaison  between  the  Board,  its  committees,
                 and management, and provides support to Directors in fulfilling their duties. The Company Secretary also aids in the orientation
                 of new Directors and helps to facilitate the ongoing professional development of all Directors.

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