Page 159 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 159


            i.   Non-Executive Director’s Remuneration

                 The  Non-Executive  Directors  are  remunerated  through  fixed  monthly  fees,  meeting  allowances  and  benefits-in-kind,
                 inclusive of the reimbursement of utilities bills and business peripherals.
                 The  level  of  remuneration  of  Non-Executive  Directors  reflects  the  current  demanding  challenges  in  discharging  their
                 fiduciary  duties,  roles  and  responsibilities,  whether  individually  or  collectively,  as  well  as  the  complexity  of
                 the  Company’s  operations  and  the  industry.  The  Non-Executive  Directors’  remuneration/benefits  remain  unchanged,
                 since 2017.
            ii.   Disclosure of Directors’ Remuneration

                 Details of each Director’s remuneration for the Financial Year ended 31 December 2023:

                  Bank Muamalat Directors:                                Other
                                                          Fees         emoluments     Benefits in-kind     Total
                                                          (RM)            (RM)                             (RM)
                  Tan Sri Tajuddin Atan, FCB              428,082.98       49,000.00        76,486.24      553,569.22
                  Johari Abdul Muid                       160,666.64      216,200.00               -       376,866.64
                  Tan Sri Che Khalib Mohamad Noh          160,666.64       97,000.00               -       257,666.64
                  Dato’ Ibrahim Taib                      160,666.64      114,500.00               -       275,166.64
                  Ainol Roznain Yaacob                    110,666.64       63,000.00               -       173,666.64
                  Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad                 160,666.64      178,000.00               -       338,866.64
                  Mohd Razlan Mohamed                     160,666.64      157,000.00               -       317,666.64
                  Roshidah Abdullah                       160,666.64      121,500.00               -       282,166.64
                  Directors – subsidiaries

                  Md Khairuddin Hj Arshad                  20,000.00        6,000.00               -        26,000.00
                  Dato’ Dr. Adnan Alias                     7,473.04        3,000.00               -        10,473.04
                  (resigned wef 15 May 2023)
                  Roshidah Abdullah                        20,000.00        6,000.00               -        26,000.00
                  Fakihah Azahari                           8,333.30        3,000.00               -        11,333.30
                  (resigned wef 31 May 2023)

                                                                                                Total    2,649,442.04
                 In order to attract and retain qualified individuals to lead Bank Muamalat, the Board has delegated responsibility to the
                 BNRC  to  oversee  and  recommend  the  structure  of  the  remuneration  policy  and  frameworks  for  Directors  and
                 Senior Management.
                 The  remuneration  structure  for  Non-Executive  Directors  is  based  on  relevant  factors,  such  as  function,  workload,
                 responsibilities, and time spent preparing for Board and Board Committee meetings. It includes fees, meeting allowances,
                 and  benefits  in  kind.  The  Chairman  of  the  Board  and  Board  Committees  receives  a  premium  due  to  their  additional
                 role in guiding and managing the Board and Board Committees.

                 The BNRC reviews and tracks the PCEO’s Corporate Scorecard and PCEO-1’s Key Performance Indicators annually.

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