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            The  Remuneration  Policy  for  Senior  Management  and     2  Review and Approval
            Material   Risk   Takers   epitomises   Bank   Muamalat’s
            commitment  to  robust  risk  governance.  It  underscores     The  Remuneration  Committee  will  diligently  review
            the  alignment  of  remuneration  practices  with  risk  appetite,   and  sanction  the  list  of  potential  MRTs,  ensuring
            the cultivation of a sound risk culture, and the advancement   objectivity and consistency across the business units.
            of long-term organisational interests. Bank Muamalat remains
            steadfast  in  its  pledge  to  uphold  transparent,  equitable,     3  Notification
            and  sustainable  remuneration  practices,  reflective  of  its   Bank Muamalat will notify the employees identified as
            dedication  to  diversity  and  inclusion,  corporate  social   MRTs, clarifying the rationale behind their inclusion in
            responsibility, and environmental stewardship.              the list, and the impact of assuming the role on their
                                                                        compensation and performance evaluation.
                                                                        Regular Review
            Identifying  Material  Risk  Takers  (MRTs)  stands  as  a  pivotal     Bank  Muamalat  will  review  the  list  of  MRTs  regularly,
            facet of Bank Muamalat’s remuneration policy. Bank Muamalat   accommodating   changes   in   employees’   roles,
            will delineate MRTs based on the following criteria:
                                                                        decision-making   authority,   compensation,   and
            Job Function                                                performance.  Any  modifications  to  the  MRT  list  will
                                                                        necessitate approval from the Remuneration Committee.
            Bank Muamalat will discern job roles that wield a substantive
                                                                   Bank  Muamalat  is  committed  to  maintaining  a  transparent,
            influence on its risk profile, encompassing domains such as risk
                                                                   objective,  and  uniform  process  for  identifying  MRT  across
            management, investment banking, trading, and financing.
                                                                   all  business  units.  Additionally,  Bank  Muamalat  will
            Decision-Making Authority                              ensure  that  the  list  of  MRTs  undergoes  regular  review
                                                                   and  approval  by  the  Board  Nomination  &  Remuneration
            Bank  Muamalat  will  identify  employees  vested  with     Committee,  with  any  changes  promptly  and  transparently
            decision-making  prerogatives  over  critical  areas  that  has   communicated to the affected employees.
            potential  material  impact  on  Bank  Muamalat’s  risk  profile,
            including  credit  approvals,  investment  decisions,  risk
            assessments, and trading positions.                    PRINCIPLE B: EFFECTIVE AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT

            Compensation                                           Board Accountability
                                                                   i.   Board Audit Committee (BAC)
            Bank   Muamalat   will   identify   employees   receiving
            compensation levels akin to senior management, encompassing
                                                                       The  BAC  has  effectively  fulfilled  their  obligations
            both  fixed  and  variable  elements  such  as  bonuses,  stock
                                                                       and  responsibilities  as  stipulated  in  the  Terms  of
            options, and other incentives.
                                                                       Reference (TOR), and has efficiently assisted the Board
                                                                       in  making  informed  decisions  related  to  quarterly
                                                                       results,  year-end  financial  statements,  evaluation  of
            Bank  Muamalat  will  identify  employees  whose  performance   external auditors, and the internal audit function.
            correlates  with  Bank  Muamalat’s  risk  profile,  such  as  traders
            contributing  significantly  to  revenue  generation  or  risk      The  BAC  conducts  an  annual  review  of  the  suitability,
            managers overseeing risk management activities.            objectivity,  and  independence  of  the  external  auditors,
                                                                       and  the  results  are  presented  to  the  Board  for
            Bank  Muamalat  will  establish  a  methodical  process  for   approval.
            identifying  MRTs,  meticulously  aligned  with  regulatory
                                                                       The BAC Report provides an overview of Bank Muamalat’s
            mandates and industry benchmarks. This process will entail the
                                                                       internal control systems and financial reporting adequacy
            following steps:
                                                                       and  integrity,  adherence  to  internal  policies  and
                  Identification                                       procedures,  and  compliance  with  external  rules  and
              1                                                        regulations.
                  Rigorous  evaluation  will  be  conducted  to  identify
                  employees  meeting  the  criteria  for  MRTs,  considering
                  job function, decision-making authority, compensation,
                  and performance metrics.

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