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                 During  each  meeting,  the  respective  Chairmen/representatives  of  the  Board  Committees  provide  updates  to  the
                 Board on matters discussed in the committees as well as on matters that require the Board’s attention. Other Heads of
                 Division  and  external  advisers  may  be  invited  to  attend  the  meeting  to  advise  the  Board  on  specific  matters.
                 Directors  have  the  opportunity  to  discuss  these  matters  and  challenge  the  ideas  presented  if  necessary.
                 The  Chief  Financial  Officer  is  invited  to  attend  all  Board  meetings,  while  relevant  Senior  Management  Officers  of
                 Bank  Muamalat  are  invited  to  attend  to  provide  briefings  and  details  to  the  Directors  on  recommendations  or  reports
                 submitted to the Board.
                 The  PCEO  and  Head  of  Business,  Operations,  Support,  and  Control  functions  update  the  Board  on  the  Bank’s
                 business  and  operations,  regulatory  and  compliance  updates,  as  well  as  industry  trends  and  developments.
                 The  Chief  Financial  Officer  presents  the  financial  performance  and  significant  financial  highlights.  The  minutes  of
                 the Board meetings record all important deliberations, decisions, and conclusions.
                 Management  takes  note  of  the  comments  and  feedback  from  the  Directors  and  receives  guidance  from  the  Board.
                 They  agree  with  the  Directors  on  proposed  actions  to  be  taken,  including  decisions  made.  For  matters  in  the  ordinary
                 course  of  business,  Board  approvals  can  be  obtained  through  written  resolutions  outside  of  Board  meetings.
                 Ad-hoc  meetings  are  held  when  necessary.  Directors  have  direct  access  to  Senior  Management  and  can  request
                 additional information from them. The Company Secretary is available to the Directors at all times.

            iii.   Board Induction and Succession Planning
                 Upon  appointment,  each  new  Director  will  be  required  to  undergo  an  on-boarding  exercise  to  facilitate  their
                 familiarisation  with  the  Bank’s  operating  environment,  business  strategy,  and  operations.  All  new  Directors  must  attend
                 an  induction  programme  tailored  to  their  specific  needs  as  soon  as  practicable,  but  no  later  than  three  months
                 after their appointment to the Board.
                 Attendance  at  the  induction  programme  or  similar  sessions  that  may  assist  in  achieving  the  intended  outcome  is
                 mandatory  for  all  new  Directors.  The  Company  Secretary  is  responsible  for  facilitating  the  induction  of  newly
                 appointed Directors.
                 The  BNRC  is  accountable  for  developing  succession  plans  and  identifying  and  recommending  candidates  to
                 the  Board  to  ensure  that  it  comprises  directors  with  suitable  skills,  experience,  expertise,  and  diversity.  The  BNRC
                 also oversees the appointment and succession planning for key Senior Management positions.
            iv.   Training and Development of Directors

                 The  Board  has  implemented  measures  to  ensure  that  its  members  have  ongoing  access  to  appropriate  and  relevant
                 continuing  education  programmes.  A  reasonable  budget  has  been  allocated  for  this  purpose.  Directors  are  strongly
                 encouraged  to  attend  talks,  briefings,  workshops,  and  utilise  online  learning  tools,  reading  materials,  and  training
                 programs on areas that would benefit them in their roles and responsibilities.
                 It  is  mandatory  for  all  Directors  of  Bank  Muamalat  to  register  for  the  director’s  core  training  programme  under  the
                 Financial Institutions Directors’ Education Programme (FIDE) within a year of their appointment, and the Islamic Finance
                 for Board within two years of their appointment.
                 All  Board  members  have  attended  and  successfully  completed  the  Director’s  Core  Training  Programme  under  FIDE
                 within  the  period  stipulated  under  the  Director’s  Training  Policy  of  the  Bank.  In  line  with  the  MCCG  2021
                 recommended  practice,  the  Company  Secretary  facilitates  the  orientation  of  new  Directors  and  assists  in  directors’
                 training and development.

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