Page 264 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 264

262      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          27.  INcOMe DeRIveD fROM INvesTMeNT Of DePOsITORs’ fuNDs AND OTheRs (cONT’D.)

              (i)   Income derived from investment of fixed term deposits
                                                                        Group                        Bank
                                                                    2021          2020          2021          2020
                                                                 rM’000        rM’000         rM’000        rM’000

                   finance  income  and  hibah:

                   Income  from  financing  (note  (a))           226,018       133,644       226,018      133,644
                   Financial  investments  designated  at  FVTPL       1,771       1,165       1,771         1,165
                   Financial  assets  at  fair  value  through
                    other comprehensive income                     38,974        27,683       38,974         27,683
                   Financial assets at amortised cost                 592          383           592          383
                   Money  at  call  and  deposit  with
                    financial  institutions                         4,685         4,957        4,685          4,957

                                                                  272,040       167,832       272,040       167,832
                   Amortisation  of  premium,  net                 (10,615)      (4,279)      (10,615)      (4,279)

                   Total  finance  income  and  hibah             261,425       163,553         261,425     163,553

                   Other  operating  income

                   Net  gain  from  sale  of:
                   -  financial  investments  designated  at  FVTPL     50          73            50            73
                   -  debt  instruments  at  fair  value  through  other
                      comprehensive income                            457         8,880          457         8,880
                   Unrealised  (loss)/gain  on  revaluation  from
                    financial  investments  designated  at  FVTPL       (476)      265          (476)         265

                                                                      31          9,218          31           9,218

                   fees  and  commission

                   Guarantee  fees                                    448          252           448          252
                   Processing  fees                                  561           686           561          686
                   Service  charges  and  fees                    2,914         1,905          2,914         1,905
                   Commission                                     10,220          5,071       10,220         5,071

                                                                   14,143         7,914         14,143        7,914
                   Total                                         275,599        180,685       275,599      180,685
   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269