Page 267 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 267


            29.  INcOMe DeRIveD fROM INvesTMeNT Of shARehOLDeRs’ fuNDs (cONT’D.)

                                                                           Group                        Bank
                                                                      2021           2020          2021          2020
                                                                    rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000

                 Other  operating  income  (cont’d.)
                 Gross  dividend  income
                   -  unquoted  shares  in  Malaysia                   39              42              -            -
                   -  subsidiary                                         -             -          2,000          3,000
                 Net  dividend  paid  for  Islamic  profit  rate  swap   (25,692)     (19,412)     (25,692)   (19,412)
                 Unrealised  gain/(loss)  on  revaluation  of
                   Islamic  profit  rate  swap                      50,139         (53,422)      50,139       (53,422)
                 Unrealised  (loss)/gain  on  revaluation
                   of  hedged  items  (Note  6(i))                   (57,692)      59,901        (57,692)       59,901
                                                                     (8,605)       10,491         (6,644)       13,449

                 fees  and  commission
                 Corporate  advisory  fees                             3,294        1,431         1,278          1,105
                 Service  charges  and  fees                           9,248        7,684           74            122
                 Commission                                            4,671        3,361         4,671          3,361

                                                                      17,213       12,476         6,023         4,588

                 Other  income

                 Rental  income                                        1,870        1,414         1,844          1,440
                 Loss  from  sale  of  property,  plant  and  equipment     -         (21)            -           (21)
                 Gain  from  termination  of  ROU  asset             1,654             -             55             -
                 Gain  from  sale  of  foreclosed  properties            3             -             3              -
                 Fair  value  adjustments  of  investment  properties
                     (Note  12)                                       675           1,954           675          1,954
                                                                      4,202         3,347         2,577          3,373

                 Total                                                22,424       36,179           11,570       31,275

                 (a)   The Group and the Bank also received Special Relief Fund (“SRF”), Penjana Tourism Facility (“PTF”) and Targeted Relief
                     and Recovery Facility (“TRRF”) from the Government for the purpose of financing to SMEs at below market/concession
                     rates.  The  financing  by  the  Group  and  the  Bank  is  to  provide  support  for  SMEs  in  sustaining  business  operations,
                     safeguard jobs and encourage domestic investments during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                     The fair value gain arising from the placement of funds under the SRF, PTF and TRRF that are recognised in the profit or
                     loss, amounting to RM19,678,307 (2020: RM8,858,944) for the Group and the Bank, are applied to address the financial
                     and accounting impact incurred by the Group and the Bank for COVID-19 related relief measures.
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