Page 261 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 261


            22.  PROvIsION fOR ZAkAT AND TAxATION

                                                                           Group                        Bank
                                                                      2021           2020          2021          2020
                                                                    rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000

                 Zakat                                                 6,584         4,349           6,197           4,280
                 Taxation                                                80           29              -             -

                                                                       6,664         4,378         6,197          4,280

            23.  RecOuRse OBLIGATION ON fINANcING sOLD TO cAGAMAs
                 This represents the proceeds received from house financing sold directly to Cagamas Berhad with recourse to the Bank.
                 Under these agreements, the Bank undertakes to administer the financing on behalf of Cagamas Berhad and to buy-back
                 any financing which are regarded as defective based on prudential criteria set by Cagamas Berhad. These financial liabilities
                 are stated at amortised cost.

            24.  sukuk

                 (a)   subordinated sukuk
                     On  15  June  2016,  the  Bank  set  up  a  20-year  Subordinated  Sukuk  Murabahah  Programme  of  up  to  RM1.0  billion
                     (“Subordinated Sukuk Programme”), which qualified  as  Tier  2  capital  under  the  BNM   Policy  Document  on
                     Capital   Adequacy Framework   for   Islamic  Banks   (Capital Components).  The initial Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah
                     under the Subordinated Sukuk Programme was issued on 15 June 2016.  Table below depicts a summary of the current
                     outstanding Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah.

                       Issue date       call Date        Maturity Date    Profit Rate (% p.a)        Nominal value
                       15 June 2021     15 June 2026     15 June 2031     4.50%, payable semi-annually  RM500.0 million

                     The Bank may redeem (in whole or in part) the initial Subordinated Sukuk Murabahah prior to maturity on the Call Date,
                     subject to the redemption conditions under the principal terms and conditions of the Subordinated Sukuk Programme
                     being satisfied.
                 (b)   senior sukuk

                     On 7 June 2016, the Bank set up a 15-year Senior Sukuk Programme of up to RM2.0 billion (“Senior Sukuk Programme”).
                     Table below shows the details of the Senior Sukuk under the Senior Sukuk Programme which the Bank has fully redeemed
                     on 25 November 2021.

                       Issue date            Maturity Date          Profit Rate (% p.a)         Nominal value
                       25 November 2016      25 November 2021       5.50%, payable semi-annually  RM500.0 million
   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266