Page 332 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 332

330    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

          47.   FAIr vALuE MEASurEMENTS (CONT’D.)
              (a)   Financial and non-financial instruments measured at fair value (cont’d.)

                   Determination of fair value and the fair value hierarchy (cont’d.)
                                                                            valuation technique using;
                                                                  quoted     Observable     unobservable
                   Group                                    Market Price        Inputs        Inputs
                                                                 Level 1       Level 2       Level 3         Total
                   31 December 2019                               rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                   Non-financial assets
                   Investment properties                              -              -        53,063         53,063

                   Financial assets
                   Financial investments designated at fair value
                    through profit or loss                            -         10,321        298,472       308,793
                   Financial investments at FVOCI                100,621      4,498,322        5,881      4,604,824
                   Derivative financial assets                        -         21,859             -         21,859

                   Total financial assets measured at fair value    100,621     4,530,502     304,353     4,935,476

                   Financial liabilities
                   Derivative financial liabilities                   -         77,546             -         77,546
                   Total financial liabilities measured at
                    fair value                                        -         77,546             -         77,546


                   31 December 2020
                   Non-financial assets
                   Investment properties                              -              -        55,889         55,889

                   Financial assets
                   Financial investments designated
                    at fair value through profit or loss              -         10,492        302,845       313,337
                   Financial investments at FVOCI                101,944      3,689,923        4,631      3,796,498
                   Derivative financial assets                        -         47,820             -         47,820
                   Total financial assets measured at fair value    101,944     3,748,235     307,476     4,157,655

                   Financial liabilities
                   Derivative financial liabilities                   -        167,334             -        167,334

                   Total financial liabilities measured at
                    fair value                                        -        167,334             -        167,334
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