Page 327 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 327

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

                 (c)   Liquidity and funding risk (cont’d.)

                     (iii)  Maturity analysis of financial liabilities on an undiscounted basis
                          The following tables show the contractual undiscounted cash flows payable for financial liabilities by remaining
                          contractual maturities. The financial liabilities in the tables depicted in the following pages will not agree to the
                          balances reported in the statement of financial position as the Tables incorporate all contractual cash flows, on
                          an undiscounted basis, relating to both principal and profit payments. The contractual maturity profile does not
                          necessarily reflect the behavioural cash flows.
                          The cash flows of commitments and contingent liabilities are not presented on an undiscounted basis as the total
                          outstanding contractual amounts do not represent future cash requirements since the Group and the Bank expect
                          many of these contingencies to expire or be unconditionally cancelled without being called or drawn upon and
                          many of the contingent liabilities are reimbursable by customers.
                          Group                    up to    >7 Days -     >1-3     >3-6     >6-12     >1 year
                                                  7 Days     1 Month     Months     Months     Months     Months     Total
                                                 rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000

                          31 December 2020
                          Non-derivative liabilities
                          Deposits from customers    9,509,627     4,659,314     3,228,308     2,885,280     752,815     2,229,190    23,264,534
                          Deposits and placements
                            of banks and other
                            financial institutions     -        25        28       283        485     102,975     103,796
                          Bills and acceptances
                            payable                    -         -      6,310        -         -          -      6,310
                          Other liabilities            -     21,960        -         -      66,580        -     88,540
                          Leases liabilities           -      1,219     5,817     1,064     6,363     36,485     50,948
                          Recourse obligation
                            on financing sold to
                            Cagamas Berhad             -         -         -         -         -     470,811     470,811
                          Subordinated sukuk           -         -         -     257,892       -          -     257,892
                          Senior sukuk                 -         -         -     16,561     513,631       -     530,192
                          Derivative liabilities    3,772     24,734     19,277     11,827     208     107,516     167,334

                          Total financial liabilities    9,513,399     4,707,252     3,259,740     3,172,907     1,340,082     2,946,977    24,940,357
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