Page 325 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 325

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

                 (c)   Liquidity and funding risk (cont’d.)

                     (i)   Maturity analysis of assets, liabilities, commitments and contingencies based on remaining contractual maturity:
                          Bank                     up to    >7 Days -     >1-3     >3-6     >6-12     >1 year
                          31 December 2019        7 Days     1 Month     Months     Months     Months     Months     Total
                                                 rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000

                          Cash and short-term
                            funds                 980,935     30,290       -         -         -          -     1,011,225
                          Cash and placements
                            with financial
                            institution                -         -     53,925        -         -          -     53,925
                          Financial investments
                            designated at fair value
                            through profit and loss    -         -         -     56,309     112,800     139,684     308,793
                          Financial assets at
                            fair value through
                            other comprehensive
                            income                     -     10,200     151,105     705,557     907,482     2,828,055     4,602,399
                          Financial assets at
                             amortised cost            -         -         -         -         -     103,162     103,162
                          Islamic derivative
                             financial assets        192      6,639     3,106     11,922       -          -     21,859
                          Financing of customers    49,192     623,981     1,155,182     1,049,727     1,560,184    11,419,077    15,857,343
                          Other assets               (53)     1,381        -         -      38,851     828,798     868,977

                          Total assets           1,030,266     672,491     1,363,318     1,823,515     2,619,317    15,318,776    22,827,683

                          Deposits from customers    8,224,917     4,220,831     3,520,052     1,396,715     1,499,877     92,614    18,955,006
                          Deposits and placements
                            of banks and other
                            financial institutions     -        51       142       253      1,017      4,840     6,303
                          Bills and acceptances
                            payable                    -         -      8,444        -         -          -      8,444
                          Islamic derivative
                            financial liabilities    1,537     8,451     2,106     11,359     916     53,177     77,546
                          Other liabilities            -     14,480     2,577     3,062     52,415     32,877     105,411
                          Recourse obligation
                            on financing sold to
                            Cagamas Berhad             -         -         -         -         -     459,633     459,633
                          Subordinated sukuk           -         -         -       637         -     249,895     250,532
                          Senior sukuk                 -         -         -      2,765        -     499,752     502,517
                          Total liabilities      8,226,454     4,243,813     3,533,321     1,414,791     1,554,225     1,392,788    20,365,392

                          Net maturity mismatch    (7,196,188)   (3,571,322)   (2,170,003)    408,724     1,065,092    13,925,988    2,462,291
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