Page 320 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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318    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

              (c)   Liquidity and funding risk (cont’d.)

                   (i)   Maturity analysis of assets, liabilities, commitments and contingencies based on remaining contractual maturity:
                       Group                    up to    >7 Days -     >1-3     >3-6     >6-12     >1 year
                       31 December 2020        7 Days     1 Month     Months     Months     Months     Months     Total
                                              rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000

                       Cash and short-term
                         funds                2,369,462     563,710     -         -          -         -     2,933,172
                       Cash and placements
                         with financial
                         institution                -         -     30,417        -          -         -     30,417
                       Financial investments
                         designated at fair value
                         through profit and loss    -         -         -      12,176        -     301,161     313,337
                       Financial assets at
                         fair value through
                         other comprehensive
                         income                     -     149,868     635,472     131,976     123,899     2,757,750     3,798,965
                       Financial assets at
                         amortised cost             -         -         -         -          -     105,544     105,544
                       Islamic derivative
                         financial assets        6,746     20,059     7,580     12,516     919         -     47,820
                       Financing of customers    59,498     665,038     1,286,412     1,121,802     1,898,467    13,084,599    18,115,816
                       Other assets                 -       646         -         -     112,027     310,125     422,798

                       Total assets           2,435,706     1,399,321     1,959,881     1,278,470     2,135,312    16,559,179    25,767,869

                       Deposits from customers    9,509,884     4,662,369     3,232,770     2,894,806     725,795     475,742    21,501,366
                       Deposits and placements
                         of banks and other
                         financial institutions     -        25        28        283       485     97,525     98,346
                       Bills and acceptances
                         payable                    -         -      6,310        -          -         -      6,310
                       Islamic derivative
                         financial liabilities    3,772     24,734     19,277     11,827     208     107,516     167,334
                       Other liabilities            -     23,084     5,367       943     76,516     40,476     146,386
                       Recourse obligation on
                         financing sold to
                         Cagamas Berhad             -         -         -         -          -     444,141     444,141
                       Subordinated sukuk           -         -         -     250,642        -         -     250,642
                       Senior sukuk                 -         -         -      2,811     499,881       -     502,692

                       Total liabilities      9,513,656     4,710,212    3,263,752     3,161,312     1,302,885     1,165,400    23,117,217
                       Net maturity mismatch    (7,077,950)   (3,310,891)   (1,303,871)   (1,882,842)    832,427    15,393,779   2,650,652
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