Page 328 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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326    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          Notes to the fiNaNcial statemeNts
          31 December 2020 (16 JamaDil awal 1442h)

              (c)   Liquidity and funding risk (cont’d.)

                   (iii)  Maturity analysis of financial liabilities on an undiscounted basis (cont’d.)
                       Group                    up to    >7 Days -     >1-3     >3-6     >6-12     >1 year
                                               7 Days     1 Month     Months     Months     Months     Months     Total
                                              rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000

                       31 December 2019

                       Non-derivative liabilities
                       Deposits from customers    8,217,558     4,217,208     3,528,046     1,413,059     1,528,402     136,189    19,040,462
                       Deposits and placements
                         of banks and other
                         financial institutions     -        51       142        253      1,017     5,077     6,540
                       Bills and acceptances
                          payable                   -         -      8,444        -          -         -      8,444
                       Other liabilities            -     15,122        -         -      38,162        -     53,284
                       Leases liabilities           -         -      2,803     2,721      5,868     47,162     58,554
                       Recourse obligation on
                         financing sold
                         to Cagamas Berhad          -         -         -         -          -     507,331     507,331
                       Subordinated sukuk           -         -         -      7,887      7,250     257,145     272,282
                       Senior sukuk                 -         -         -      16,515     13,750     527,252     557,517
                       Derivative liabilities    1,537     8,451     2,106     11,359      916     53,177     77,546
                       Total financial liabilities    8,219,095     4,240,832     3,541,541     1,451,794     1,595,365     1,533,333    20,581,960
   323   324   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333