Page 333 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 333

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            47.   FAIr vALuE MEASurEMENTS (CONT’D.)
                 (a)   Financial and non-financial instruments measured at fair value (cont’d.)

                     Determination of fair value and the fair value hierarchy (cont’d.)
                                                                               valuation technique using;
                                                                     quoted     Observable     unobservable
                     Bank                                      Market Price        Inputs        Inputs
                                                                    Level 1       Level 2       Level 3         Total
                     31 December 2019                                rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                     Non-financial assets
                     Investment properties                               -             -         53,063        53,063

                     Financial assets
                     Financial investments
                      designated at fair value through profit or loss    -         10,321       298,472        308,793
                     Financial investments at FVOCI                  98,196      4,498,322        5,881      4,602,399
                     Derivative financial assets                         -         21,859             -        21,859
                     Total financial assets measured at fair value    98,196     4,530,502      304,353      4,933,051

                     Financial liabilities
                     Derivative financial liabilities                    -         77,546             -        77,546
                     Total financial liabilities measured at fair value    -       77,546             -        77,546
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