Page 145 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 145
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Our Governance Our Numbers Other Information
The Bank’s risk governance and authority delegated by the Board, monitor the execution and implementation of the
oversight structure outlines the Bank’s strategies, policies and methodologies and ensure that these are kept in line
accountabilities as well as roles and with the Board’s vision.
responsibilities for the management
of risk. It provides a blueprint for the
Board of Directors and Management Board Level Committee
to execute their responsibilities and
includes a framework for the delegation
of authority to the relevant committees Oversees execution and implementation of the Bank’s strategies, policies and
methodologies in line with the Board’s vision.
and executive officers.
The Board provides oversight for Reviews and recommends strategic and business plans, capital plans and risk
overall risk governance and ensures appetite statements as recommended by the Management for the Board’s approval.
that the Bank’s strategic objectives
are supported by sound risk strategy
and an effective risk management Board Risk Management Committee (“BRMC”)
framework. Thus, an appropriate risk • Ensures effective management of risk and enforcement of approved risk tolerances
management structure has been clearly and limits.
defined and established to monitor • Reviewing and assessing the existing risk management framework for its
and ensure that risk management continued efficacy and for ensuring that robust infrastructure and systems as well
strategies are properly executed and as resources are in place to monitor risk and capital effectively.
risk exposures are kept within the
approved risk boundaries and controls.
Shariah Committee (“SC”)
In executing governance and oversight • Independent from the Board.
of risk, the Board would approve risk • Understand Shariah issues in all activities assumed by the Bank.
appetite statements recommended by • Serves as advisory to the Board and Management team on all Shariah matters.
the Management to guide the Bank’s • Shariah management and compliance are closely aligned to ensure an integrated
risk taking activities within the and end-to-end compliance management.
boundaries of its financial capacity
and fiduciary obligations and set
relevant tolerance levels, controls and As part of the oversight responsibilities, the Board monitors the Bank’s financial
monitoring mechanism to monitor and performance and its execution of strategic and business plans and adherence to risk
report risks. The Board oversees the appetite limits. To facilitate effective oversight, the Management is responsible for
risk management function through a tracking and reporting the Bank’s performance based on agreed measurements as
governance structure which comprises well as on any exceptions to the stipulated guidelines or limits.
bo a rd a n d m an a ge m e nt- le v el
committees with distinct roles and The Management formulates and reviews the strategic and business plans and
responsibilities, accountabilities, and provides recommendations for the Board’s decision. The strategic business plan
discretionary authorities. takes into consideration the Bank’s financial objectives and resources, in line with
its risk appetite. Financial objectives for each business line are established by
The Board is supported by two (2) setting growth and return targets and allotting capital. The overall performance
board-level committees with specific and risk-adjusted return of each business line are assessed against the set targets
functions and responsibilities, namely and indicators. The Bank closely monitors and evaluates the capital and operating
the Board Risk Management Committee limits given rapid changes in the business and economic environment as well as
(“BRMC”) and the Shariah Committee rising competitive pressures.
(“SC”). These committees, through the