Page 141 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 141

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Resignation and Termination of the Shariah Committee   For the period of January to December 2020, eleven (11) SC
                                                                   meetings were held, of which all Shariah decisions were
            Where a Shariah Committee member resigns or is disqualified   disseminated for further action by relevant business units:
            pursuant to the relevant paragraphs in PDSG, Sections  33(2)
            and 34(1) of the IFSA impose obligations on the Bank and
            the Shariah Committee member to notify the BNM of that             Meeting                    Date
            fact and its reason immediately or in any cases no later than
            fourteen (14) days of such circumstances.               1  Monthly SC Meeting 2020        30 January 2020
            For the purpose of the application for termination, the Bank   2  Monthly SC Meeting 2020  19 February 2020
            must provide justifications as well as assessment on the
            performance of such member to BNM.                      1  Special SC Meeting 2020         20 April 2020
            Negative List                                           3  Monthly SC Meeting 2020         15 May 2020
            The Shariah Committee member or his immediate family    4  Monthly SC Meeting 2020         23 July 2020
            member must not:                                        5  Monthly SC Meeting 2020        19 August 2020
            a.   be an executive of the Bank during the tenure of    6  Monthly SC Meeting 2020     29 September 2020
                 his/her appointment or within the last two (2) years of
                 his/her proposed appointment as a Shariah committee   2  Special SC Meeting 2020    12 October 2020
                                                                    7  Monthly SC Meeting 2020       28 October 2020
            b.   be a substantial shareholder, executive director or senior   rd
                 officer of the Bank or any of its affiliates; or   3  Special SC Meeting 2020      23 November 2020
                                                                    8  Monthly SC Meeting 2020       9 December 2020
            c.   have a significant business or other contractual
                 relationship with the Bank or any of its affiliates within   Total                    11 meetings
                 the last two (2) years.
                                                                   The Shariah Committee member is expected to contribute
            Shariah Committee  meetings
                                                                   and allocate adequate time and efforts to discharge his/
            The Shariah Committee meetings shall be held at least once   her duties  effectively. The  Shariah Committee  member must
            in every two (2) months. Meetings shall be held regularly  to   attend at least 75% of the Shariah Committee meetings held
            ensure that:                                           in  each  financial  year. Where necessary,  the participation of
                                                                   the Shariah Committee can be facilitated by way other than
            a.   the Shariah Committee is kept sufficiently in touch with   physical presence, remains the exception rather than the
                 the business of the Bank;                         norm, and is subject to appropriate safeguards to preserve
                                                                   confidentiality of the deliberations.
            b.   The operations of the Bank are not adversely affected
                 because of the difficulty in  securing the Shariah
                 Committee’s approval for policy and decision.
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