Page 137 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 137

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information


                                                 BRMC is responsible for reviewing and setting the Group’s overall risk strategy
            The Board, supported by its committees,   and risk appetite, and for approving the risk management policies. BAC reviews
            operates within a framework of       the effectiveness of the Internal Control System on an annual basis and carries out
            prudent and effective controls in the   assurance on the Financial Control Framework on a quarterly basis. The Board
            interests of shareholders, customers   reviewed the effectiveness of the Bank’s risk management and internal control
            and other stakeholders. The Group’s   systems including financial, operational and compliance controls and concluded
            Governance  of  Risk  Management  and   that they were appropriate and had operated effectively during the year.
            Internal  Controls  ensures  the  safety
            and soundness of the Group and its   RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
            key entities. This is achieved through a
            robust governance structure designed   • A common framework through which risk management and control is embedded.
            to deliver a well-managed business
            with effective decision-making, good   •  Consistent approach throughout the Group to identify, measure, manage, monitor
            procedures and strong controls.        and report risks.
            The  Group’s Risk Management  and    • Consistent  and comprehensive  set  of  policies  are  maintained.
            Internal Controls comprises three (3)   •  Risk  Management  Policy  establishes  a  framework  of  standard  risk  management

                The Board and its committees:    •  Risk  Management  System  is  underpinned  by  the  ‘Three  (3)  Lines  of  Defence’
                How the business is managed.       model.

                                                 INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM
                                                 The Group’s Internal Control System sets out the processes and frameworks
                 Risk Management System:         required to ensure effective and efficient delivery of the Group’s strategic objectives
                  How risks are identified,
                measured, managed, monitored     and is designed to identify and mitigate, rather than eliminate, the potential risk of
                                                 failure to achieve business objectives and can only provide reasonable not absolute
                       and reported.
                                                 assurance against material financial misstatement or loss. Implementation and
                                                 maintenance of the Internal Control System is delegated to senior management. The
                                                 Group has an effective Internal Control System which contains administrative and
                                                 accounting procedures, an internal control framework, with appropriate validation,
                  Internal Control System:       assurance and reporting arrangements at all levels of the Group, a delegated
              The controls behind the Corporate  authority  framework, and a compliance framework. The internal control system is
               Governance Framework and the      underpinned by the three (3) lines of defence model.
                  Risk Management System.
                                                 For further details on Effective Risk Management and Accountability,  please refer
                                                 to Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control on pages 142 to 153 of the
                                                 Annual Report.
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