Page 135 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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Our Performance Sustainability Statement Our Governance Our Numbers Other Information
MEETINGS AND ACCESS TO INFORMATION utilisation, social media usages and cyber security); and
new items from relevant Acts, regulatory requirements and
Directors are given due notice of the proposed meetings, Guidelines amongst others, the Adequate Procedures in
allowing Directors to lock in their timings, and for relation to Corporate Liability sub-Section to subsection (5)
advance planning. The detailed Agendas and the detailed of Section 17A, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission
Board/Committee meeting materials were shared and (“MACC”) Act 2009.
uploaded electronically prior to Board/Board Committees
meetings. The Bank has zero tolerance for any conduct that constitutes
a wrongdoing or malpractice which may include any breach
of ethics as described in the CoBC, conflict of interests,
Working in the new normal requires bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering/combating
agility in adopting digital channels and the financing terrorism, and/or any fraudulent act as may be
technology. These were implemented described in the Bank’s Anti Bribery Code system and other
successfully during the year. Directors relevant documents.
participated in Board and Committee In light of the requirements stipulated under the BNM PD on
meetings via virtual platforms such as CG and the Companies Act 2016, the Bank’s Whistleblowing
Zoom or Teams during the MCO. Minutes Policy, established by the Board provides a secure reporting
of meetings, together with a summary avenue via the Ethics Hotline for employees and third parties,
of the action items were circulated to all who have knowledge or are aware of any improper conduct
or unethical behaviour including suspected fraud, bribery,
members of the Board prior to meetings. corruption and criminal activity.
Any malpractice or misconduct is raised to Internal Audit
ETHICAL BUSINESS CONDUCT AND WHISTLE Division through the dedicated channels mentioned above.
BLOWING The whistle-blower’s identity remains anonymous, ensuring
protection from reprisal.
The Board promotes good corporate governance culture to
ensure that the Bank conducts its business with integrity, in TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF DIRECTORS
an ethical and transparent manner.
The Board ensures that its members have ongoing access
To this end, the Board has established the Code of Business to appropriate continuing education programmes and a
Conduct (“CoBC”). The CoBC sets out the conduct expected reasonable budget has been allocated for the programme.
of all Directors, employees and third parties doing business Directors are encouraged to attend talks, briefings, workshops
with the Bank. The CoBC outlines, inter alia, the Bank’s and utilise online learning tools, reading materials and
procedures relating to non-discrimination, whistleblowing, trainings on areas that would benefit them in their roles and
the Bank’s assets and properties, confidential information, responsibilities.
personal data protection, insider trading, fraud, conflict of
interests, bribery and anti-corruption. The Bank’s Directors All Directors of the Bank are required to register for the
and employees affirm their commitment to the CoBC. Director’s Core Training Programme under the Financial
Institutions Directors’ Education Programme (“FIDE”)
The CoBC has recently been enhanced to include fundamental within a year and Islamic Finance for Board within two (2)
principles on Competence, Integrity, Fairness, Confidentiality years upon his/her appointment.
and Objectivity which shall be consistently applied across
the Bank. This is to align the CoBC with the requirement
of Professional Code for the financial services industry
developed by FSPB; relevant points in mitigating rapid
changes resulting from Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IT devices