Page 140 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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138    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          ix.   Provide the Bank with guidelines and advice on religious   Currently, BMMB’s Shariah Committee BMMB comprises five
              matters to ensure that the Bank’s overall activities are in   (5) members whose appointments are renewed every three (3)
              line with Shariah.                                years. For this year, the Bank is proposing to replace two (2)
                                                                of our SCs who have exceeded nine (9) years of tenure.
          x.   Make decisions on matters arising from existing and
              future activities of the Bank which have religious   The Chairman of Shariah Committee must be a Shariah
              repercussions.                                    qualified person and meet all criteria as required under
                                                                PDSG, and the appointment is subject to approval by BNM.
          xi.   Report to the shareholders and the depositors that all
              the Bank’s activities are in accordance with Shariah.  Besides the Chairman, there should be an alternate Chairman
                                                                in the event where the Chairman of the Shariah Committee is
          xii.  Provide Shariah advisory and consultancy services in all   unable to attend the meeting. The members shall elect one (1)
              matters relating to the Bank’s products, transactions and   member among themselves to become the alternate Chairman
              activities as well as other businesses involving the Bank.  to preside over the meeting. The alternate Chairman shall be
                                                                a member with qualified Shariah background.
          xiii.  Scrutinise and endorse the annual financial report of the
              Bank.                                             A  brief profile of each member of the Shariah Committee is
                                                                presented on pages 115 to 117 of this Annual Report.
          xiv.  Provide training to the staff as well as notes or relevant
              materials for their reference.                    Appointment/Reappointment of Shariah Committee

          xv.  Represent the Bank or attend any meetings with the   The appointment/reappointment of the Shariah Committee
              SAC or other relevant bodies concerning any Shariah   members  and  Chairman  of  the Shariah  Committee  is  subject
              issues relating to the Bank.                      to assessment  and  evaluation based  on necessary  conditions
                                                                made  by the Bank and  met  all requirements specified  in the
          xvi.  The Shariah Committee shall maintain the confidentiality
              of BMMB’s internal information and shall be responsible   policies issued by BNM.
              for the safeguarding  of confidential information. He or   The Board shall, upon recommendation of its Nomination
              she should maintain all information in strict confidence,   Committee, nominate the appointment of the members of the
              except  when  disclosure  is  authorised  by  the  Bank  or   Shariah Committee.
              required by law.
                                                                Further written approval and endorsement from Bank Negara
          xvii.  The Shariah Committee shall  ensure the  quality and   Malaysia must  be obtained after approval from  the Board  at
              consistency of the Shariah decisions.             least three (3) months before it expects a proposed candidate to
                                                                assume his/her responsibilities. In the case of reappointment,
          Composition of Shariah Committee
                                                                the application must be submitted three (3) months  prior to
          According to Policy Document on Shariah Governance    the expiry of the Shariah Committee member’s tenure.
          (“PDSG”), the composition of Shariah Committee at minimum
          must comprise  at  least  five  (5)  members and  the  member
          must not accept any appointment in more than one licensed
          Islamic bank, one licensed takaful operator and one prescribed
          institution.  Furthermore, a Shariah Committee member must
          not  serve  the  same  Islamic  Financial  Institutions  (“IFI”)  for
          more than nine (9) years.
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