Page 149 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 149

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Liquidity Risk                       Bank has also established a comprehensive liquidity crisis contingency framework
                                                 with set triggers and management action plan.
            Liquidity risk is best described as the
            inability to fund any obligation on   To ensure its readiness in dealing with liquidity crisis, the Bank has set up a
            time as they fall due, whether due to   pre-crisis management framework with a built-in and structured crisis response
            increase in asset or demand for funds   mechanism, which allows for quick identification of potential liquidity crisis before
            from the depositors. The Bank will   it occurs. The process  involves  continuous monitoring of various indicators which
            incur liquidity risk if it is unable to   act as early-warning signals of impending crisis situation in different severity levels
            create liquidity and this has serious   and  assessing  the effectiveness  of  the liquidity crisis  management through annual
            implications on  its  reputation  and   mock run and tests.
            continued existence.
                                                 Operational Risk Management
            The Bank’s priority is to therefore
            manage and maintain a stable source   Operational risk  is  defined  as  the risk  of  loss  resulting from  inadequate or  failed
            of  financial  resources  toward  fulfilling   internal processes, people and system or from various external events. It may occur
            the above expectation. Through  active   anywhere within the organisation, including in third-party business  processes,  and
            balance sheet management, the Bank   is  not limited to  operation  functions. The effects of  operational risk may  extend
            ensures sufficient cash and liquid   beyond financial losses and may result in legal and reputational risk impacts.
            assets are made available to meet short   In view of growing challenges in the Bank’s operating environment, management of
            and long-term obligations.
                                                 operational risk has been focused  on strengthening  the first line of defence, which
            The primary focus of liquidity       comprises the risk taking entities and process owners at the business and operation
            management  is  to  assess  all  cash   units. The operational risk management function within RMD provides support by
            inflows against outflows to identify   developing risk management tools and mechanism  and facilitating the first liners
            the potential for any net shortfall   in risk identification, assessment,  mitigation and monitoring as outlined under the
            going forward. This includes funding   Bank’s operational risk management framework.
            requirements  for  off-balance  sheet   The operational risk function also conducts operational risk training and awareness
                                                 programs for new recruits and risk agents and continuously engages the risk
            The Bank pays particular  attention   owners in deliberation and execution of risk management practices.
            to its ability to cover any shortfall in   Business Continuity Management (“BCM”)
            liquidity for up to a one-month period
            followed by a medium-term assessment   The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of effective business
            of liquidity of up to one year. The   continuity management to ensure uninterrupted business operations. The Bank’s
            measurement and limits used to       BCM, which entails enterprise-wide planning, coordination and mobilisation of key
            monitor and manage liquidity risk are   resources and processes under a broad spectrum of business disruptions arising
            as prescribed under the BNM’s liquidity   from  both  internal  and  external  events,  has  enabled  the Bank to  respond  and
            framework, Liquidity Coverage Ratio   continue to operate critical business functions under various and prolonged adverse
            and Net Stable Funding Ratio. To     conditions. The Bank’s Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) has proven to be effective
            mitigate the risk, the Bank employs a   in managing all levels of business and support functions during the movement
            funding diversification strategy and   control order phases.
            establishes a liquidity contingency plan.
                                                 The BCP was prepared based on risk assessments and business impact analyses
            For ongoing management and           performed on identified potential threats to business functions.  Business impact
            monitoring  of  liquidity  and  funding   analyses are also used to identify critical business functions’ recovery time
            positions,  the  Bank establishes    objective and maximum tolerable downtime given the Bank’s current resources
            risk tolerance and limits within the   and infrastructure. With the increasing use of technology to improve customer
            applicable risk appetite metrics and   experience, the associated risks that come with it has to be carefully managed.
            provides monthly reporting of its asset,
            liability and liquidity positioning. The   Shariah Risk Management
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