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152    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          STATEMENT ON COMPLIANCE                               and institutionalised  to escalate achievement of industry
                                                                best practices  and  elevate the staff understanding and
          Regulatory compliance risk is defined as risk of failure by an   competencies  which emphasised on a number of focus  areas
          organisation to comply with  applicable  legal and regulatory   such  as  anti-money laundering counter measures  towards
          requirements, which could result in fine or penalty or imposition   strengthening the Bank’s  efforts in fighting and preventing
          of  enforcement  action  by the regulators. In  managing such   financial crime; fair treatment of financial consumer  and
          risk, Bank Muamalat acknowledges that, operating in highly   responsible market conduct  practices  in ensuring customer
          regulated environment while pursuing business agenda to meet   protection; and in terms of safeguarding customer information
          the regulatory and supervisory expectations requires the Bank   and  management of  permitted disclosure  requirements.
          to establish clear roles and responsibilities and embed strong   Gaps analysis exercise on the regulatory documents
          compliance risk management practices throughout the Bank.  continues  to be conducted  to  enhance early detection of
                                                                potential non-compliance  issues  and ultimately improve
          Effectively managing compliance risk would also maximise   the compliance level in the Bank. Independent reviews
          the Bank’s opportunities in the competitive market place and   are conducted  to assess  the adequacy and effective
          strengthen Bank Muamalat’s  competitive edge by building    implementation of  the regulatory requirements with the
          trust and  market positioning in  a  more  timely and  dynamic   objectives to ensure material regulatory  gaps are identified
          manner. Recognising these challenges, Bank Muamalat is   and adequately managed. This includes  Shariah compliance
          continuously strengthening  compliance culture across the     and credit-related matters.
          Bank involving all level of staff and across all of its business
          activities.                                           In managing the integrity  and fraud risk within the Bank,
                                                                the Anti-Bribery  &  Corruption  Policy  was  formulated  and
          The Board, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Management     adopted across the Bank. It represents the Bank’s stance of zero
          are responsible in setting the tone from the top outlining the   tolerance to bribery  and corruption practices and serves
          Bank’s overall compliance management programme consistent   to protect the  Bank from adverse integrity  and reputation
          with  the objectives of the  regulations and for the  betterment   which will undermine the support and confidence  of the
          of the society as  a whole. The Board  through the Board   stakeholders.
          Risk  Management Committee  and  the Board  Compliance
          Committee  actively provides  guidance  and  oversight on  the   As  an  effort to ensure  that the implementation  of  various
          overall compliance management agenda to ensure that all   compliance measures are robust  and targeted  the  material
          staff are cognizant of this agenda and at the same time having   business  operations,  the Bank is conducting Institutional
          adequate safeguards  properly embedded  in the Bank’s  daily   Risk  Assessment  (“IRA”)  on  annual basis  covering  Money
          operations via policies, operational guidance, code of conduct   Laundering & Terrorism Financing (“ML/TF”) risks and
          and also standard operating procedures in line with regulatory   Anti-Bribery & Corruption.
                                                                Acknowledging that robust and effective implementation
                                                                is key, the Bank continues to enhance its compliance  risk
                                                                management capabilities across  the business  operations
          The compliance management programme is monitored and   and process  by strengthening  the three (3) lines of defence.
          implemented through  a dedicated Compliance function   In this model,  the business  units are expected to be fully
          established  to manage  Bank Muamalat’s  compliance  risk   aware of the compliance risk in every business decision
          including AMLA and Shariah-related matters. This is achieved   and embed sufficient control measures  to manage their
          via the Compliance Transformation Programme that cut across   operations.  At the second  level  of defence,  structured
          all Bank Muamalat’s operations ensuring that  regulatory   compliance functions are established which are deemed as
          compliance risk management is sufficiently integrated  in the   responsible for risk identification, development of framework,
          Bank’s business activities.                           monitoring implementation and reporting of the Bank’s
                                                                overall compliance risk. Internal audit as independent party
          During the year, various operational guidance and training   is responsible to review and evaluate the adequacy of the
          programmes on key regulatory matters have been developed   compliance framework and its effective implementation.
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