Page 157 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 157


                                                      156  Directors’ Report
                                                      163  Statement by Directors
                                                      163  Statutory Declaration
                                                      164  Report of the Shariah Committee
                                                      166  Independent Auditors’ Report
                                                      169  Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
                                                      171  Statement of Financial Position
                                                      173  Statements of Profit or Loss
                                                      174  Statements of Other Comprehensive Income
                                                      175  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                      176  Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                      177  Statements of Cash Flows
                                                      182  Notes to the Financial Statements
   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162