Page 317 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 317

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS

                 (a)   Credit risk (cont’d.)

                     (iv)  Credit quality for financial investments (cont’d.)
                          Set out below are the credit quality for financial investments (non-money market instruments - debt securities)
                          analysed by ratings from external credit ratings agencies: (cont’d.)

                                                                           Financial  investments
                                                                            at  amortised  cost     Financial  investments
                                                                               Non-Money         at  FVOCI  Non-Money
                                                                           Market  Instruments    Market  Instruments
                                                                            -  Debt  Securities     -  Debt  Securities
                                                                            Domestic               Domestic
                                                                             Ratings       Total       Ratings       Total
                          Bank                                              RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000

                          AAA+ to AA-                                             -          -     672,206     672,206
                          BBB+ to BB-                                             -          -     10,218     10,218
                          Unrated                                          116,871     116,871     78,904     78,904
                          Defaulted                                               -          -         13         13
                          Sovereign                                               -          -    5,560,859    5,560,859
                          Total                                            116,871     116,871    6,322,200    6,322,200

                          AAA+ to AA-                                             -          -     98,980      98,980
                          BBB+ to BB-                                       113,589     113,589     1,318       1,318
                          Unrated                                                -           -     72,219      72,219
                          Sovereign                                              -           -     4,831,948     4,831,948
                          Total                                              113,589     113,589     5,004,465     5,004,465

                          The  ratings  shown  for  debt  securities  are  based  on  the  ratings  assigned  to  the  specific  debt  issuance.
                          As  at  the  reporting  date  and  prior  year,  none  of  the  financial  investments  mentioned  above  are  past  due,
                          except for defaulted corporate sukuk of the Group and the Bank held under financial investments at fair value
                          through other comprehensive income with net outstanding amount is RM13,000 (2022: Nil), which have been
                          classified as impaired and provided for to the extent that the Bank expects to recover.
                 (b)  Market risk

                     Market risk refer to the potential loss arising from adverse movements in market variables such as rate of return,
                     foreign exchange rate, equity prices and commodity prices.

                     Types of market risk
                     (i)    Traded market risk
                          Traded  market  risk,  primarily  rate  of  return  risk  and  credit  spread  risk,  exists  in  the  Group’s  and  the  Bank’s
                          trading  positions  held  for  the  purpose  of  benefiting  from  shortterm  price  movements,  which  are  conducted
                          primarily by the treasury operations.

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