Page 203 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 203

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS

            STATEMENTS  OF

            CASH FLOWS
            FOR THE  YEAR ENDED  31 DECEMBER  2023 (18 JAMADIL  AKHIR 1445H)

                                                                          Group                         Bank
                                                                     2023          2022           2023          2022
                                                      Note         RM’000        RM’000        RM’000         RM’000

            Cash  flows  from  operating  activities
            Profit  before  zakat  and  taxation
            Adjustment  for:                                       295,583       306,725       300,756        300,510
              Unwinding  of  financial
                liabilities                           30 (a)         1,664         4,690         1,664          4,690
              Amortisation of intangible assets         38          33,563        24,711        33,483         24,678
              Depreciation of property,
                plant and equipment                     38          10,664        11,201        10,646         11,183
              Gain from termination of
                right-of-use asset                      30              (3)          (47)           (3)           (47)
              Depreciation of right-of-use assets       38          11,152        10,736        11,152         10,736
              Amortisation of cost on
                subordinated sukuk issued                              422           369           422           369
              Property, plant and equipment
                written-off                             38               6            38             6            38
              Intangible assets written-off             38             64              -            64              -
              Amortisation of premium (net)          28 & 30        40,444        47,287        40,444         47,287
              Return  of  a  financial  investment
                at fair value through other
                comprehensive income                    30               -        (10,552)           -        (10,552)
              Net  gain  from  sale  of  financial
                investments at fair value through
                other comprehensive income           28 & 30       (20,230)        (2,005)     (20,230)        (2,005)
              Net  gain  from  sale  of  financial
                investments  designated  at  FVTPL      28             (77)          (36)          (77)           (36)
              Unrealised (gain)/loss on revaluation
                of  financial  investment  designated
                at  FVTPL                            28  &  30      (3,420)        3,387         (3,422)        3,387
              Net gain on revaluation of foreign
                exchange transaction                    30          (9,713)       (27,447)       (9,713)      (27,447)
              Net (gain)/loss from foreign
                exchange derivatives                    30         (10,164)       20,134        (10,164)       20,134
              Unrealised gain on revaluation
                of  Islamic  profit  rate  swap         30               -        (37,532)           -        (37,532)
              Unrealised loss on revaluation of
                hedged items                            30               -        37,940             -         37,940
              Allowance for impairment
                losses  on  financial  investments,  net     32       526          4,371           526          4,371
              Fair value adjustments of investment
                properties                              30            (192)            -          (192)            -
              Allowance  for  impairment  on  financing     31      33,260        41,010        33,260         41,010
              Allowance for impairment
                on  other  financial  assets,  net      33            105             38           105            38
              Finance costs                             39          82,174        55,114        82,174         55,114
              Gross dividend income                     30             (68)          (39)      (11,000)        (4,000)

            Operating  profit  before  working  capital
              changes                                              465,760       490,093       459,901        479,866

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